Many are confused about what spirituality, or metaphysics, means. So, I thought it beneficial to provide a definition at the very beginning, since I have integrated metaphysical and spiritual principles throughout the book, together with learnings from business, education, administration, and psychology.

About Me

The greatest
of writer

Richard is an internationally acclaimed business executive who brings a unique and innovative blend of experience and background to the spiritual world. He has been an administrator and faculty member at two state universities; a dean; administrator responsible for services to 50,000 senior citizens; a minister, therapist, and healer; an executive responsible for organization change, management development, succession planning, and economic turn arounds at the 50th and 200th

My goal is to help you learn how to became more self-confident, happier, healthier, more abundant, involved in creating increasingly loving relationships, and being more self-aware than you have ever imagined possible.



My goal in writing the fear clearing trilogy is to help you identify and clear your fears, anxieties, and limitations so you can become the master of your own destiny.

Fearless Wisdom

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Fearless Living

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