Shared Services

Engagement Highlights


MJK Solutions was engaged by a global restaurant company to develop a design and business case and recommend an operating model, and location.


Conducted a design and business case for the client’s global hub which calculated the new staffing model and associated ROI for several options, depending upon locations.

Recommended an implementation approach and phasing strategy that accounted for service volumes, country implications, and the long-term IT roadmap.

Also, we implemented a process excellence and automation program.

Conducted a detailed location study that evaluated 38 countries based on stakeholder input and socio-economic drivers. These included cost, labor supply, infrastructure, logistics, political stability, economic stability, and chance of natural disaster.


  • The proposed model established the global hub in Hyderabad, India for centralizing accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivables, and purchasing services.  We located real estate accounting, lease accounting, and close processes in nearshore centers in Ohio, Argentina, the UK and China. The business case suggested a 40% reduction in costs and 2-year payback.
  • Creating expense new staffing model with a 40% reduction in expenses and a 2-year payback period
  • Implemented a process Improvement program to focus on efficiency

Risk Mitigation

Engagement Highlights


In mid-2000, NGO’s, individuals, and adversary groups began utilizing fast growing social media outlets to advance their agenda and forced national and global companies to review their risk mitigation process.  Being a global iconic brand, our client was also the target of such groups to get media attention even though there were no affiliations or business relationships.

The challenge was to develop an effective risk mitigation program that would enable the company to proactively prevent and/or respond to perceived or real brand threats, validate standards and mitigate potential brand reputational risks.


Recognizing that an Intelligence function did not exist in many Fortune 500 companies, especially public service companies, an effective predicative analysis process would be critical to convincing the C-Suite to invest in the program.  The CSO socialized the concept to key stakeholders that an effective management program would anticipate and prevent problems rather than react defensively to them.  We believed this emphasis would be essential in establishing a relevant, effective, sustainable, and economical program.

  • We benchmarked with successful programs within and outside our industry and developed a program that was conductive to our needs and culture.
  • Reallocated an FTE to on-board a subject matter expert to build out the program.
  • Conducted open-source searches and provided key stakeholders with data that allowed them to proactively prepare the company and employees for potential disruptive activities.
  • Facilitated detailed communications on project status to members of senior management.
  • Once the proof of concept was completed and approved, conducted RFPs to on-board third-party intelligence services that specialized in various areas.


Formalized the Risk Intelligence and Threat Management function, over a three-year period increased FTEs to seven- and third-party resource network.

Received request from various departments to provide monitoring, reporting, research and analysis, and advisory services on a wide range of issues that could impact people, operations, brand trust or shareholders value. As a result, the departments was able to reduce outside services which resulted in significant savings.

Provided credible information and analysis that enabled business partners and executive leadership to make more informed business decisions on management of current and emerging risks and threats.

Improved system-wide awareness of risks and threats, alignment on risk mitigation approach and improved short- and long-term mitigation planning

Productivity Improvement

Engagement Highlights


The company had a global initiative to improve customer service and speed by reducing complexity at its retail locations. Each function was challenged to review its policies and procedures to determine what could be eliminated, reduced or improved through technology.


With the utilization of CCTV, time studies were conducted and revealed that the most time-consuming task was cash management, more than 8-12 hours per day.  We consulted with our Cash In Transit (CIT) suppliers for industry best practices and current and emerging cash management technologies.  Internal & external engineers developed and implemented R&D processed, tested software and hardware in the lab and then retail locations to identity solutions that would work in a fast-paced retail environment.   As a result, multiple CIT companies invested in developing and/or enhancing their hardware, technology and banking relations to provide services to their clients.


Revolutionized the Cash Management Process which enable the company to redeploy labor hours to focus on productivity, customers, and profitability.

  • Deposit preparation completely eliminated
  • 6+ hour reduction in Cash Management time daily
  • 4+ hour reduction to actual schedules daily
  • CIT service eliminated 1-2 hours of physical bank deposit transport daily
  • Eliminated missing bank deposits and the need for investigations

Digital Ecosystem

Engagement Highlights


A Fortune 100 Quick Service Restaurant Chain wanted to improve the customer experience through providing a relevant digital platform that includes kiosks, Digital Apps, On-line orders, Curbside, and 3rd parties like UberEATS, Door Dash, etc.  The intent is to meet the current and new customers where they are.  By being one of the first to provide this experience, this retailer would become the Brand of Choice.  Our experience extends in the design, development, deployment, and delivery of results. A new model was created to accelerate growth globally.


Developed, Operated and Applied transformation modeling to our current business/operating model to increase incremental revenues and re-engineered workstreams. This created opportunities to create new day-parts to grow the business and extend our customer experience. Positioned the brand to engage through the Digital App in new ways for higher engagement with the customer through loyalty. Created data channels that assisted the locations with demand planning to better service the customer. Created a “Tiger Team” for accelerating rapid deployment to retain our competitive positioning within the industry.


  • Designed an operating model that leveraged multiple points of distribution for the customer.
  • Created a PMO for monitoring the performance for the points of distribution as a dashboard for reporting.
  • Aligned the organization around new processes and measurements.
  • Applied change management processes for the organization to embrace the new operating model.
  • Positioned the brand proactively with reporting and becoming more predictive for improving customer experience and loyalty.