A Safe Place 22nd Annual Drive Out Domestic Violence Golf Outing, will be taking place on Monday, August 19th. Register now!

Success Stories

“(Heart) broken by a man, mended by A Safe Place”

Sometimes success is loud. Sometimes success is quiet.

Here are some of the successes of the clients of A Safe Place.

“Mom, I told you if you left him we would be OK.” said ten-year-old M. upon moving into A Safe Place’s permanent housing program apartment with his mother.

A Safe Place: What it is to Me

As it is obvious having lived in A Safe Place, I was once a domestic violence victim. What had happened is not important domestic violence comes in many forms, domestic violence is domestic violence.

On 14th March, 2006, I came to America. Upon arriving, within days I was referred to as a sweet innocent princess from England, loved, and a favorite of many back at home. Within months I was left lying in a park left to die.

A question that frequently came my way was, “Why would a sweet innocent princess from England go through shelters when she can go back?” I stayed because I STOOD UP AND SAID NO TO ABUSE, I stayed because I STOOD MY GROUND.

Moving from shelter to shelter, and coming to a Safe Place, I saw a painting of the Safe Place transitional living. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I prayed from the bottom of my heart, “Please, Lord, this is the only program that will take me in even with my immigration status.” Weeks later I moved into my apartment. For days I sat by the window asking, “Am I dreaming?”

I had been through trauma and I needed extra support. Without any hesitation A Safe Place provided that extra support with extreme love and care. I stayed there for 16 months with a lot of hard work and the love and support from A Safe Place. I am now where I am. I now can recognize red flags, I am independent, strong and empowered.

Thank you for being there.

A Safe Place assisted me and my children in getting our life back. We were accepted into the transitional living facility where our healing began.

They helped me and my children to love each other, communicate and respect one another. I learned to conquer my fears and set boundaries that were right for me and my family.

I have been in abusive relationships for over 15 years of my life and I didn’t know any life could be different.

But thank you staff and counseling at A Safe Place for helping me to help myself and my children to see there is a different life out there and I am living it right now.

I know my red flags, signs and boundaries now and I practice them every day. I truly appreciate the assistance and showing me there is help out here and people care.

I tip my hat to A Safe Place for an excellent job in caring for me and my family.

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