VAWA for Abused Spouses

  • Are you married to a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident?
  • Is the situation toxic, but you’re afraid to leave or to tell this person to move out?
  • You don’t have to stay in this bad marriage.
  • You may be able to get your green card, even without your spouse’s cooperation.

VAWA for Abused Parents

  • Are you the parent of a U.S. citizen who is 21 years of age or older?
  • Does your child go into fits of anger or rage?
  • Does he or she threaten to hurt you or to even get you deported?
  • Does this grown child demand that you pay all of his or her bills?
  • Are you ever feeling uneasy or even afraid of your child at times?
  • You may be able to get your green card, even without your adult child’s cooperation.

Removal of Conditions for Legal Permanent Residents

  • Did you receive your 2-year green card, but the marriage fell apart?
  • Are you unsure of what to do now that your spouse is no longer in the picture?
  • You may be able to file for your ten-year card and remove the conditions without your spouse.

T Visa for Victims of Human Trafficking

  • Were you tricked into coming into the United States, only to be treated like a servant here?
  • Have you ever had to work for someone who threatened your immigration status?
  • Do you tolerate abuses, insults, low pay, or dangerous working conditions because you’re afraid that your boss will hurt you or report you to immigration authorities?
  • Has someone forced you to cook, clean, or have sex in exchange for a place to sleep, safety, or money?
  • Did anyone ever insist on taking your wages from you?
  • If any of these situations apply to you, you may qualify for a T visa.

U Visa

  • Are you the victim of a violent crime?
  • Did you report this to law enforcement?
  • Do you continue to suffer physically or mentally from the crime that was perpetrated against you?
  • You may qualify for a U visa.

Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJ)

  • Are you under 18 (or under 21 in States such as New York and Massachusetts)?
  • Did one or both of your parents neglect you, beat you, fail to supervise you, or order you to work?
  • You may be able to apply for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, which allows you to remain in the United States and opens the door to securing legal permanent residency (the green card).

Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) for Iraqi and Afghan Translators

  • Did you work as a translator for the United States in Iraq or Afghanistan for at least 1 year?
  • Do you have proof that you were employed in this capacity?
  • Has your SIV application been denied?
  • You may be able to appeal your decision, or, in the alternative, look for other options to emigrate to the United States

Military PIP

  • Are you married to or a parent of a member of the armed forces?
  • Did you enter the country unlawfully, but want to remain here with your loved one?
  • You may qualify for Military Parole in Place.

Medical Deferred Action

  • Are you the caregiver for a child who has a severe, life-threatening health condition?
  • Would it be difficult or impossible to receive adequate care in the home country?
  • You may be able to request permission to remain here as the caregiver and secure deferred action and an employment authorization document.


  • Were you informed that you require a waiver because of how you entered the United States?
  • Were you told that you made a misrepresentation or visa fraud and need that inadmissibility waived?
  • Do you have an old criminal conviction?
  • You may be able to have these grounds of inadmissibility waived if you have a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent resident qualifying relative who will suffer extreme hardship in the event that you must return to your country for 10 years.

K-1 Fiancé Visa Petition

  • Does your fiancé live abroad?
  • You may be able to petition for your fiancé abroad.
  • Once your fiancé petition is approved, your fiancé will attend an interview at the U.S. consulate in his or her country.
  • Once your fiancé enters the United States, you must get married within 90 days.
  • Then, your spouse can file for adjustment of status within the United States.

IR Immediate Relative Visa Petition

  • Are you a U.S. citizen with a foreign spouse or other immediate relative who lives outside of the United States?
  • You may be able to petition for your relatives and secure a legal pathway for them to immigrate to the United States.

Bond Hearings and Custody Redetermination

  • Is the government trying to keep you or your loved one in immigration detention?
  • You or your loved one may be able to secure a bond determination or redetermination, and fight the case from the outside


  • Are you afraid to return to your country?
  • Do you want to seek protection in the United States because you fear for your liberty or life in your home country?
  • You may be able to seek protection and secure your future here in the United States

Cancellation of Removal 42A

  • Have you been in the United States for at least 7 years, and a legal permanent resident for at least 5 years?
  • Have you been placed in removal proceedings (immigration court)?
  • Do you have a minor US citizen child or a US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident spouse who will suffer exceptional and extremely unusual hardship in the event of your removal?
  • You may be able to secure legal permanent residency in order to remain present to care for this person.

Cancellation of Removal 42B

  • Are you undocumented but have been in the United States for at least 10 years?
  • Are you in removal proceedings?
  • Do you have a minor US citizen child or a US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident spouse who will suffer exceptional and extremely unusual hardship in the event of your removal?
  • You may be able to secure legal permanent residency in order to remain present to care for this person.


  • Are you a legal permanent resident who wants to become a U.S. citizen?
  • Were one of your parents or grandparents a US citizen?
  • You might already be a citizen and not even know it.
  • Otherwise, you may be able to apply for citizenship 5 years after acquiring legal permanent residence, and after only 3 years if you are still married to the U.S. citizen who sponsored you for the legal permanent residence (green card).