Veli-Jussi Jalkanen’s Unique Anti-Cancer Strategy


I first met the fascinating 73-year-old Veli-Jussi Jalkanen, AKA “Vessi,” eight years ago at a biohacking summit in Finland. 

He turned out to be an eccentric inventor, one of the most athletically talented men I’ve ever met in my life, a specimen of physical fitness and mental acumen, and was even featured in Chapters 9 and 16 of my book Boundless (discover more about the soon-to-be-released, fully updated 2.0 version here!). He has competed in several sports on a national and competitive level, including shooting, military 3-skill sport, diving, and sprinting. He also rides horses, plays left-handed and right-handed tennis, swims, skis, skin-dives, walks extremely long distances, and does swing dances. The guy can crank out 25 pullups, speaks multiple languages, owns several multinational corporations, and looks like he’s about 40 years old. 

He also invented one of my favorite pieces of furniture in my home, the “Salli Saddle Chair” (a unique seat modeled after the pelvic-stabilizing, core-strengthening field of equestrian sports), and via his company Salli, has also invented ergonomically friendly gear such as pillows for enhancing side and back sleeping, and electrically adjustable tables with elbow and wrist support.

Anyway, I wound up interviewing Vessi for the wildly popular podcast, “An Anti-Aging Chat With A 65-Year-Old Finnish Businessman Who Plays Tennis Left & Right Handed, Defies Modern ‘Unhealthy’ Clothing Fashion & Invented The Most Unique Chair In The World,” and have been in touch with him ever since. He shared with me everything from his complex smoothie recipe (that makes my own admittedly fancy smoothie seem like a McDonald’s hamburger) to his unique approach to holistically managing chronic diseases, including cancer.

Yes, cancer.

Now, I very thoroughly addressed the topic of “what I would do if I got cancer” in podcast Q&A #456 (definitely check out the show notes of that podcast for some helpful tips and resources). I have also addressed the topic of cancer prevention and management in many other episodes, including:

Recently, Vessi shared with me a story of how his friend got a so-called “turbo cancer” (the same type of fast-growing cancer I discussed in my last episode with Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz) and how he put her on a program that allowed her to recover fast without any medication. He reported to me that “she is healthier, fitter, and with better immunity than before.”

Now, while Vessi is not a physician, and neither am I (nor is any of the information here or in any links within this article considered to be taken as medical advice or prescription), I thought it would be beneficial and interesting for Vessi to share the same information with you. 

You should also know that this is a topic near and dear to my heart, because my father Gary Greenfield, who I interviewed here, recently died after a five-month battle with colon cancer. It is very important to me to spread advice about how the discomfort, pain, and early death he experienced could have been avoided using specific protocols, including many of those you will find in this article, such as a ketogenic diet, high intake of low-sugar vegetable matter, specific vitamins and minerals, key berries and cruciferous vegetables, etc.

I am also a firm believer that many of these “more natural” remedies should be combined with other more advanced modalities, such as electrical therapies, photobiomodulation therapies, targeted use of precision oncology using specific drugs and pharmaceuticals that do not involve full body chemotherapy, killer cell infusions, and many of the other modalities that I describe here.

So, without further ado, in his own words, here is Vessi’s complete “anti-cancer” strategy. 

The Anti-Cancer Strategy by Velli-Jussi Jalkanen

The following information is collected by Vessi from known, public, and seemingly reliable sources. This list, as powerful as it is, is meant by Vessi to be an information collection. Because there are so many kinds of cancer cases with variable circumstances, he does not take any responsibility for any of the ways these methods are applied, nor is any of this information meant for the purposes of illness and disease management.

Nowadays, more than one-third of people are expected to develop cancer, with 45–50% of cancer patients projected to succumb to the disease, according to the latest statistics and trends. The survival rate for cancer has not significantly improved in the last 50 years.

Furthermore, the information regarding cancer survivors can be confusing; individuals are considered “healed” statistically after surviving cancer for five years. Currently, in Finland, official statistics indicate that 13,000 people die from cancer annually, with 34,000 new cancer cases reported. However, according to other data sources, the number of new cancer cases is closer to 26,000, while there are approximately 8,000 cases that are just over five years old.Vessi

But… it is my firm belief that cancers can be prevented and even healed with CAM (complementary and alternative medicine, AKA functional medicine) which is known, practiced, proven, and tested.

For example, Dr. Alex Gerson healed more than 50% of stage 4 cancer patients in the 1950s. This therapy, known as the Gerson Method, can be combined with new healing remedies to improve “old-school” medicine’s success rates (less than 10%) in this category. 

Understanding the Role Your Immune System Plays in Cancer Treatment

I believe that cancer is an environmentally based degenerative illness, and the tumor is a symptom of that. Different cancers result from different factors, so in each cancer case, it’s important to understand the root causes of the originating metabolism when dealing with that particular cancer case.

As I describe here, the immune system plays a crucial role in resisting cancer and healing from cancer.

Many new cancer medicines increase the strength of the immune system, but the same effects, arguably more active and strong, can be achieved with natural methods. So preventing and healing cancer requires a healthy, strong, and active immune system, which can be improved with the various methods described in this article.

An effective immune system can identify and eliminate your own defective cells, which, if left unchecked, may develop into cancerous cells. A properly functioning immune system relies on healthy microcirculation, which can be maintained through good ergonomics, loose clothing, flexible microvessels, and regular physical activity — all topics that I addressed in detail in my last podcast with Ben.

You also need to understand that any inflammation, hidden or known in any organ or tissue, burdens your immune system and thus weakens the capacity of immune cells to kill cancer cells. This is why it’s important to minimize inflammation.

Conventional cancer treatments do not address the root causes of the cancer. They can also be long-lasting, expensive, and stressful, all while not usually being fully effective at killing cancer stem cells.

A body is weakened by repeated chemo and radiation treatments, and I believe that many chemotherapy chemicals are carcinogens themselves. For example, mammography further increases cancer risk because of radiation exposure.

Often, cancer seems to disappear for just a while after traditional treatments. Then, it often comes back, but with altered genetics and increased resistance to cytostatic medicines. Many patients die from this “second wave” of cancer. But a patient using the program I’ve outlined below has a much better chance of preventing cancer from returning after the “first wave.”

60+ Tips to Prevent, Treat, and Heal Cancer: Proven Solutions for a Healthy Life

Sadly, in many countries, including all of the EU, it is forbidden for an MD to treat a cancer patient with any other means than radiation, chemotherapy (and a few other pharmaceuticals), and surgery.

So, I have collected a list of lifestyle changes, preventive measures, and natural remedies for cancer. This protocol, if followed carefully, has the potential to prevent and even heal cancer successfully. I hope you find the following lists helpful:

1. General Life Strategies to Decrease Cancer Risk

  • Eliminate nutrient and fiber deficiencies: Eat clean foods that are organic, especially nutritionally dense foods.
  • Remove toxic foods from your diet: This includes processed foods made with white sugar, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), white flour, normal industrial sea salt, processed vegetable oils, industrial preservatives, and even food chemicals like MSG. 
  • Lower your sugar and starchy intake: Do not eat most sweet and starchy foods, even so-called healthy foods like potatoes and whole grains, as they will raise blood sugar levels. Basically, try to avoid all added sugars (cancer thrives in a sugar-rich environment) and even foods rich in natural sugar, aside from fruit and berries.
  • Avoid high intake of synthetic folic acid in multivitamins, cereals, and grains.
  • Opt for regeneratively-raised and wild-caught animal-based foods.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin K, resveratrol, carotenoids (e.g. carrots), and lycopene (e.g. tomatoes): These are very beneficial to deal with any prostate cancer risk.
  • Avoid high intake of red meat: Too much red meat has an impact on insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which can provoke cancer cells to grow. Eggs, poultry, fish, and plant-based protein can be used as alternatives.
  • Prioritize healthy sleep habits: Regularly sleeping less than six hours per night increases your cancer risk tremendously.
  • Reduce or eliminate exposure to toxic chemicals in your home: These are found in household cleaners, highly processed foods, cookware, beauty care products, mold, pesticides, and herbicides. 
  • Avoid carcinogens from tobacco, alcohol, and industrial chemicals: Eliminate moderate to high use of alcohol, narcotics, and all pharmaceuticals, except completely necessary ones.
  • Track your blood sugar levels: Use a continuous glucose monitor and keep it within the normal range, doing your best to avoid spikes throughout the day.
  • Don’t wear tight clothes: These cause disturbances to your skin and soft tissues and can result in poor blood and lymph circulation. Do not use bras regularly, because pressure affects the circulation and metabolism in the breast tissues.
  • Consider sleeping nude: The lymphatic liquid is about 12–15 liters of volume and blood is about 4–5 liters of volume, but only arterial circulation of 1–2 liters of volume is pumped by the heart. All other liquids move due to your body movements and pressure changes in the soft tissues. This means that even excessively tight clothes or high constant muscle tension from stress or poor posture can stop or disturb important fluid circulation and cause eventual oxidation and inflammation in tissues, often revealed by red lines on the skin from underwear, socks, shoes, belts, and bras. 
  • Test and eliminate harmful radiation: Test near your sleeping area, work desk, and office areas. A building biologist can measure these.
  • Minimize EMF as much as possible: EMFs, emitted from smartphones, Wi-Fi, microwaves, and other wireless devices, expose you to radiation that has been connected to several types of cancer, such as colon, intestine, heart, and brain cancers. Work hardwired or cable-connected if possible and keep a mobile device several feet away from your body as often as possible. Keep your phone in airplane mode whenever you can.
  • Refuse night work: Excess work at night, along with bright screens, disrupts circadian rhythmicity and may increase cancer risk. 
  • Keep inflammation low: Avoid gum inflammation by paying attention to oral care. Bacteria from the gums can spread all over the body, causing inflammation and endangering health. Oil pull, brush, and floss regularly. 
  • Decrease stress: Keep stress hormones in check with methods like sauna use, massages, humor, sex, social connections, music, dance, exercise, yoga, stretching, reading, and journaling. 
  • Do not harm your microbiome: Your gut microbe population suffers when you excessively use antibiotics. A poorly balanced microbiome is known to be a risk factor for cancer.
  • Avoid opioid painkillers: These can cause metastasis (spreading of cancer), although many cancer specialists do not know this.

2. General Cancer-Fighting Recommendations 

  • Consume vitamin D3 in higher amounts: In addition to getting adequate levels of sunlight, supplementing with 4000IU to 10000IU vitamin D3 per day is a good strategy.  
  • Maintain a high intake of antioxidants: Focus on vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, zinc, copper, magnesium, and a good vitamin B complex.
  • Move lightly for 1–3 hours every day: This is ideal for microcirculation aget better sleep naturallynd detoxification. Try doing it in a peaceful and refreshing way via several movement sessions every day, spread through your morning, afternoon, and evening. Preferably, do outdoor activities in nature for most of this exercise, if you can.
  • Sleep good, long nights: Go to sleep starting about 10:00 p.m. (at the latest), in fresh air all night or in a well-ventilated room, wearing as little as possible, with low EMF exposure
  • Use a sauna regularly: Choose the best, cleanest sauna available (low EMF, low VOCs, no chemical treatments, etc.). Wear loose-fitting clothing and combine it with cold-water swimming or soaking if possible. You can do up to three sauna sessions a day of 20–45 minutes in length, cooling well after each session. 
  • Focus on good intestinal flora and a healthy gut: Eat plenty of fiber (50 grams/day) and as many of the known fiber types and prebiotics and probiotics as possible, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, natto, fermented vegetables, kimchi, and water kefir. You can also use probiotic products, such as Ben’s probiotic yogurt recipe, or the Seed probiotic brand, which Ben recommends. 
  • Do deep and relaxed nasal breathing: This increases nitric oxide and oxygenation simultaneously while maintaining a healthy pH.
  • Start using a saddle chair with a divided seat when sitting: This results in better posture and allows for deeper breathing and higher oxygen levels in the body. Men should lift their trousers before they sit down to make the trousers loose under the pelvic area, especially if they have an increased prostate size or high prostate-specific antigen (PSA). In addition to this, pay careful attention to overall biomechanics and posture throughout the day. 
  • Lose weight permanently: Achieve and maintain a normal body mass index (BMI) or low levels of visceral fat, which can be measured by a DEXA scan. Excessive visceral body fat causes inflammation, which is a risk factor for cancer. This is best achieved by moving regularly, engaging in thermal stress activities like heat and cold, and limiting sugars, seed oils, and alcohol. 
  • Balance your blood fats: This will eliminate high sources of inflammation so that your omega-6 fatty acid/omega-3 fatty acid ratio is at a maximum of 3. Ben recommends getting an OmegaQuant test and having values close to 8%. 
  • Balance homocysteine value: This harmful protein should be under 7. Vitamin B6, B12, and natural folic acid (MTHF) can all help in this.  
  • Sunbathe moderately, but do not burn your skin: Do not use sun-tanning or screening oils, or if some mild protection is necessary, simply use beef tallow, extra virgin olive oil, or coconut oil.       
  • Train your muscles with the goal of decent muscle mass: This will equip your body to resist cancer cachexia (muscle loss) and assist with your overall metabolism and resilience. Try Ben’s superslow workout training protocol, as described here, for 20–30 minutes 3–4x/week. 
  • Support your internal organs, immune system, and lymph flow: Utilize acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, and reflexology.
  • Get whole-body massages regularly: These stimulate nerve cells and increase the number of immune cells a great deal. The massage must be pleasant and soft and not too deep or painful. The increased production of “good feeling hormones” (oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine) is essential in getting the positive effects on immunity derived from a massage.
  • Use whole-body red therapy light regularly: Massage has been shown to cause apoptosis (cancer cell death). Some of Ben’s recommendations include a full-body JOOVV pane or infrared sauna, or for travel, devices such as the Kineon, Lumaflex, or HigherDOSE devices.

3. Immunity Tips for Cancer Patients

  • Make your body more alkaline: Eat lots of berries, fruits, and vegetables. Try to get over 70% of the weight of your daily food intake from fresh, organic vegetable matter, especially cruciferous vegetables like broccoli sprouts and other sprouts, bokchoi, and mustard greens. Eat mostly clean, fresh, and unheated plants (fruit, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds, mushrooms) at around two pounds per day.
  • Take vitamin C: Vitamin C has been reported to kill cancer cells in large doses of IV at up to 200,000jigsaw adrenal cocktail mg/day selectively and safely. A good way to take vitamin C orally is to consume around 1–2g — three times a day — of a supplement, such as Jigsaw Health Adrenal Cocktail powder.
  • Eat or drink green, low-sugar vegetable juice several times daily: This is especially helpful in the acute stages of cancer. It helps balance the potassium/sodium levels, and juicing the plants with the fiber using a good, strong juicer allows you to get more of the healthy biomaterials from the plants.
  • Eat a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet: Include plenty of healthy fats, high amounts of fiber, and very low amounts of starchy carbs, with a max of 30 grams of net carbs per day.
  • Avoid magnesium deficiency: Supplement with high levels of magnesium depending on your bowel tolerance (between 400–600mg before bed and an additional 100–200mg three times throughout the day). Magnesium’s role in DNA repair and its antioxidant properties suggest a protective effect against age-related diseases, including cancer. Ensuring adequate magnesium intake is crucial for minimizing DNA damage and supporting longevity, emphasizing the mineral’s importance in healthy aging.

4. Anti-Cancer Medicinal Plants

You can use numerous natural anti-cancer medicinal plants known to heal cancers, including extracts from:

5. Spices and Herbs With Anti-Cancer Qualities

Additionally, you can also eat a wide variety of cancer-fighting spices. Good ones include:

6. Foods with Anti-Cancer Qualities

  • Fresh broccoli sprouts: Eat about 150 grams/day, but the more the better. Every day, add them to a salad or blend them in a smoothie. Add freshly ground mustard seed to the broccoli. This can enforce sulforaphane antioxidant power up to four-fold. (Check out Ben’s podcast on sprouting here.)
  • Emphasize berries: Studies on berries have revealed a variety of pro-health and anti-cancer qualities. Berries picked from the wild can contain 10–20 times more antioxidants and other health-related organic substances than fruit. The following berries and fruits are the most highly recommended (you can read about the smoothie in which I include many of these types of compounds here).
  • Drink several cups of herbal tea each day.
  • Eat walnuts regularly: They have been found to decrease colon cancer risk dramatically and also have positive effects on other cancers.
  • Eat a variety of other fruits: Fruits with anti-cancer properties include: black chokeberry (colon cancer); branberry (colon cancer); cloudberry (colon cancer); plum/prune (colon cancer); strawberry (breast, uterus, throat cancer); blueberry (many cancers); lingonberry (endocrine-based cancers); rose berry, serviceberry, juneberry, Indian berry, sea buckthorn berry, honeysuckle (many cancers); raspberry (prostate and colon cancer); and grapes (chest, colon, and throat cancer).

7. Body Cleansing and Detoxification Strategies

  • Increase intake of fiber and other prebiotics: It’s important to evacuate your bowels 2–3 times a day. The stool needs to be light brown and soft. One of the best ways to achieve this is to increase the intake of healthy berries in your diet by making a daily fresh smoothie, preferably with soaked seeds (flax, hemp, and chia particularly), and preferably some berries — or with the absence of those, fruit. This combination speeds up the flow in the intestine, which decreases toxins and inflammation in the colon.
  • Do enemas regularly: Preferably use coffee, green juice, or water (you can click here for an article by Ben about how to do a basic coffee enema).


And there you have it: a comprehensive cancer-fighting protocol from Veli-Jussi Jalkanen, aka “Vessi,” one of the most remarkable, healthiest, and fittest people I know. 

The strategies discussed above offer a holistic approach to cancer prevention and management and are based on decades of Vessi’s research and experience. From dietary adjustments and immune-boosting practices to the use of medicinal plants and spices, this comprehensive approach can empower you to take proactive steps toward a healthier, cancer-resistant lifestyle.

After reading this detailed and (hopefully!) helpful protocol, I’m sure you may have questions, your own information to add, other ideas, or input, so feel free to keep the conversation flowing using the comments section below!

I hope this information has been beneficial for you to form your own anti-cancer strategies, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and reading your questions.

To discover more about Vessi, be sure to listen to my podcast with him here.

And, finally, as a reminder, Vessi is not a physician, and neither am I, so please do not consider any of the information in this article or any links within this article as medical advice or prescription.


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