Weightlifter Won Hyon Sim (45KG) Sets Triple World Records at 2024 IWF World Cup


The first day of the final Paris 2024 qualification event kicked off with a bang, thanks to North Korea’s Won Hyon Sim.

Things started off with a bang at the 2024 International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Cup, thanks to weightlifter Won Hyon Sim. Sim, the inaugural world record holder in the Women’s 45-kilogram category, further cemented her dominance in the featherweight division when she set three new world records in a row.

This year’s World Cup, held in Phuket, Thailand from Mar. 31 to Apr. 11, 2024, is the final qualification opportunity for the Paris Olympics later this summer.

[Check In: 2024 IWF World Cup Results]

[Related: The Beginner’s Guide to Olympic Weightlifting]

Neither the North Korean weightlifting contingent, nor Sim’s weight class of 45 kilograms, will be at Paris 2024 in August. Regardless, she committed to starting off this year’s Cup with a bang by lifting the following:

  • Snatch: 87KG | World Record
  • Clean & Jerk: 109KG | World Record
  • Total: 196KG | World Record

Sim’s 87-kilogram (191.8-pound) snatch was only the 21st lift of the entire competition, according to Weightlifting House founder & commentator Seb Ostrowicz.

In the back half of the session, Sim was pushed hard by Thailand native Siriwimon Pramongkhol, who lifted 101 kilograms on her final attempt. Sim followed with 106 on her second attempt, securing the world record Total, only to return two minutes after and push it three kilograms higher with her final lift — the bar weighing nearly 20 kilograms more than double her own weight.

Who Is Won Hyon Sim?

Like many members of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or PRK) weightlifting team, Sim is something of a mystery. The DPRK vanished from the international weightlifting circuit in 2019 and only recently returned to IWF stages in 2023.

Since then, they’ve been on an absolute tear, claiming piles of world records, many of which were previously in the hands of Team China — the world’s most dominant roster of weightlifters.

Prior to Phuket, Sim had only three IWF-recognized competition appearances under her belt:

She’s also the first and only 45-kilogram weightlifter to set world records in her division since the category was created by the IWF in 2018.

[Related: The Best Weightlifting Shoes You Can Buy]

More Weightlifting News

Featured Image: @atginsta on Instagram


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Does Creatine Help You Lose Weight? Registered Dietitians Explain


Creatine is a popular dietary supplement used to build muscle and improve athletic performance. Taken by bodybuilders, Olympic weightlifters, powerlifters, sprinters, and other athletes whose sports involve sheer muscular power and strength, creatine is often considered the king of supplements — second only to, perhaps, protein powder

But what if you’re trying to lose weight? Maybe you’re a bodybuilder in a cutting phase or simply want to reduce your body fat percentage. Whatever the reason, you may be wondering, “Does creatine help you lose weight?”

A person taking out a scoop of creatine powder from a container. Image for the article that asks does creatine help you lose weight?

It’s not an uncommon question, given its reputation as a powerful supplement for strength athletes. Creatine may have more of an impact on body weight and composition than you think, though. I asked two registered dietitians and a professor of allied health and kinesiology to help sort through the complex world of creatine and weight loss. Here’s what they had to say.

What Is Creatine? 

Creatine is a compound created endogenously — inside the body — from the amino acids methionine, glycine, and arginine. It serves as a source of energy in your body during muscle contraction. (1)

It’s especially important for high-intensity, powerful bouts of exercise, like maximal weight lifting and supramaximal attempts, sprints, and jumping. Creatine’s role in the phosphocreatine energy system, one of your body’s two anaerobic energy systems, is what makes it so important during this type of training. 

[Read More: Foods with Creatine to Fuel Your Next Workout]

Though your body can make creatine itself, you can get more by consuming creatine-rich foods, including red meat and poultry. Oral creatine supplementation via capsules, powders, or gummies is another way to increase your body’s creatine stores. (If you want the best of the best, check out our top picks for the best creatine supplements.)

Does Creatine Help You Lose Weight? 

Creatine does not directly support weight loss, says registered dietician Avery Zinker — at least not in the way you might think. Zinker, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian specializing in sports nutrition and weight loss.

Creatine isn’t the same as a dietary supplement that, say, promises to increase your metabolism or inherently burn fat. 

Creatine may indirectly contribute to weight loss through its ability to enhance performance during high-intensity workouts and resistance training,” Zenker tells BarBend. “By improving exercise performance, creatine can help support exercise activities that increase muscle growth, and exercise itself uses energy, which helps maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss.”

But that doesn’t mean you should rush to your creatine tub to help you lose weight. 

Creatine is not a weight loss supplement and creatine itself does not directly decrease fat mass.

— Avery Zinker

For individuals focused on losing weight, Zenker says that creatine supplementation can be beneficial if their fitness regimen includes resistance training or high-intensity workouts. 

[Read More: Creatine Benefits All Lifters Should Know About]

“The enhanced performance can support more intense workouts, potentially leading to greater muscle mass and a higher metabolic rate,” she explains. “Increased intensity of exercise may lead to increased energy expenditure, which helps with weight loss.”

However, she continues: “For those whose primary exercise is cardiovascular and are not engaging in strength training, the benefits of creatine might be less pronounced in the context of weight loss.”

Weight Loss Vs. Fat Loss

It’s important to note that there are many factors at play when it comes to weight loss, Zenker says, energy balance being the major player. Zenker encourages anyone pursuing weight loss to pursue a healthy lifestyle that includes:

  • A balanced diet
  • Quality sleep
  • Stress management
  • Regular exercise.

It’s important to distinguish weight loss from fat loss, too, says Dr. Adam Gonzalez, Ph.D., associate professor of allied health and kinesiology at Hofstra University. Gonzalez is also a certified sports nutritionist and Chief Scientific Officer at SHIFTED

“Many individuals remain worried about supplementing with creatine when they have a goal of losing fat,” he tells BarBend. “This is likely due to the fact that creatine supplementation can be associated with weight gain, particularly in [cisgender] men. However, research has clearly shown that creatine does not increase fat mass in men or women, and the weight gain is strictly in the form of lean body mass.” 

An open bottle of creatine pills poured over the bottle cap.

Put simply, creatine can, in fact, increase your body weight. But that weight gain is likely to be in the form of lean muscle mass, not fat mass, Gonzalez says. Reducing body fat but gaining weight via muscle growth is body recomposition, and that’s ultimately what will result in a lean, muscular physique. 

As for how exactly that works, Gonzalez explains that creatine monohydrate supplementation increases creatine stores in the muscle by 20 to 40 percent. (2)

[Read More: Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss? Here’s What the Science Says]

This increases the amount of creatine phosphate in the muscle, which serves as a reserve of high-energy phosphate that is used to rapidly convert adenosine diphosphate (ADP) back to adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In other words, Gonzalez says, “Creatine supplementation facilitates rapid energy regeneration during high-intensity activities.”

This can favorably impact body weight and body composition in a few ways, according to Gonzalez: 

  • First, it can allow for more work to be done during each workout, which in turn can lead to better muscular adaptations and loss of body fat. 
  • Second, creatine supplementation has consistently been shown to enhance lean body mass when combined with a resistance training program, which would alter body composition. 
  • Lastly, when dieting to lose weight, muscle retention is crucial to promote long-term success. Consuming sufficient protein along with creatine can help maintain muscle mass while cutting fat.

Creatine and Bloating

But what about the “puffiness” or bloating that creatine users often complain of? 

Jenna Stangland, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN, CLT, is a registered sports dietitian who serves as a nutrition advisor for supplement brand Momentous and as the sports dietitian for the Minnesota Timberwolves. She tells BarBend that this common side effect of creatine, which many people take as weight gain or fat gain, is simply a case of water retention

“When in the early stages of creatine supplementation, there is a slight increase in total body water when the creatine stores in the muscle increase,” she says. 

[Read More: Does Creatine Make You Gain Weight?]

“This happens because creatine is osmotically active, so it gets taken up by the muscle via a sodium transporter, which causes water to be taken up as well,” Stangland explains. The good news is that this is not a permanent side effect of creatine. “Studies have shown that this is not a long-term effect, and even after training with creatine for five to 10 weeks, studies showed no increase in total body water.” (3)

Water retention is more likely to occur during a loading phase of creatine, which involves ingesting substantially more creatine than the typical recommended daily dose for a short period of time (usually five to 10 days). After those first days, Stangland says, total body water typically returns to its norm. (3)

How Creatine Affects Your Body 

About 95 percent of creatine is stored in the body’s skeletal muscle as phosphocreatine, says Stangland. As such, it has a huge impact on muscular function. 

“Phosphocreatine contributes to energy availability by recharging your ATP stores during exercise,” Stangland tells BarBend. “Creatine can increase the energy produced during heavy lifting or anaerobically-related exercise, thereby increasing muscle power, number of repetitions and exercise volume, which can subsequently contribute to muscle performance and muscle growth (hypertrophy).”

[Read More: Creatine Side Effects You Need to Know About]

The outcome, Stangland says, would be a change in body weight, as well as body composition, over time.

Additionally, according to Stangland, creatine increases cellular hydration status (remember that part about water retention in muscle cells?), glycogen (carbohydrate) synthesis, growth factor production, and even some cell signaling pathways related to decreased inflammation. 

“Besides that, there really are no evidence-based [negative] side effects of taking creatine,” she says. “Some myths about creatine supplementation include creatine causing muscle cramps [and] dehydration; that it is an anabolic steroid; that it is unsafe and it causes kidney damage. All of this has been disproven and creatine does not have any of those side effects.” (3

Benefits of Creatine

When taken in the recommended dose of three to five grams of creatine daily, this supplement can produce some major benefits. 

Increased Muscle Strength

Decades of research prove that creatine helps make you stronger over time. A 2018 randomized controlled trial, for instance, found that just four weeks of creatine supplementation can produce measurable gains in lower-body strength. (4)

Improved Muscular Power

Creatine supplementation improves a key training component for strength athletes and sprinters: power. From sprinting performance to jumping capabilities to one-rep max lifts, creatine is known to enhance several power markers. (5)(6)(7)

Enhanced Muscular Endurance

Creatine is not known—or used, really—as a supplement for cardio exercise protocols. That’s because it hasn’t been studied extensively for endurance due to the different energy pathways required for aerobic exercise. That said, some evidence does suggest that creatine supplementation can improve muscular endurance, or in practical terms, your ability to pump out more reps under heavy loads. (8)(9)(10)

Increased Muscle Mass

Naturally, one might conclude that if creatine supports increased strength, power, endurance, it would also support hypertrophy. And one would be correct. A 2023 meta-analysis in the journal Nutrients concluded that creatine supplementation in conjunction with resistance training improved “direct measures” of muscle hypertrophy in the upper and lower body. (11)

May Improve Energy Levels 

Who couldn’t use a boost of energy these days? If none of the above health benefits have yet convinced you to take creatine, perhaps this one will: Research has shown that regular creatine supplementation can reduce mental fatigue. Additionally, creatine might improve cognitive function; this supplement has been attributed to improved intelligence test scores and memory recall. More research is needed in this area, but current evidence is promising. (1)(12)(13)

Different Types of Creatine

Shoppers will come across several types of creatine in their search for a creatine supplement. Here’s a look at a few different types. 

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is the gold standard in creatine supplementation, full stop. It consists of one creatine molecule and one water molecule. 

According to Gonzalez, “There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that any form of creatine would be superior to creatine monohydrate for any body composition or performance goals.”

[Read More: BCAA Vs. Creatine Supplements — Which to Take and When?]

He goes on to explain: “Creatine monohydrate remains the most extensively studied form of creatine that shows efficacy and safety. Alternative forms simply cost more at the risk of being less effective.” 

Creatine HCl

Creatine hydrochloride, or creatine HCl, is rapidly gaining popularity in the sports supplements space. It consists of creatine and hydrochloride molecules (you’ll soon notice a pattern in these naming conventions). 

This type of creatine is touted for its supposed ability to produce greater benefits with a lower dose, but no research has proven this statement, according to a 2022 systematic review in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (14

[Read More: Why You Really Should be Taking Creatine]

Creatine HCl may, however, decrease symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, such as bloating. This is thanks to the hydrochloride molecules, which makes the creatine more water-soluble thus theoretically easier for your body to absorb. You may benefit from creatine HCl if you struggle with GI distress when taking creatine monohydrate. 

Creatine Phosphate

This is the same as phosphocreatine, the same compound stored in your body’s muscles. While you may find this available as a supplement — and perhaps think it’s better due to its likeness to what your body naturally produces — no scientific evidence supports the notion that it’s more effective than creatine monohydrate. 

Creatine Nitrate

Marketing claims state that creatine nitrate has additional benefits over creatine monohydrate due to the nitrate molecules. Nitrates, such as those found in beetroot extract, are known for their vasodilation properties — that is, they dilate the blood vessels and increase blood flow during exercise. 

[Read More: Does Creatine Help You Build Muscle? A Certified Nutrition Coach Weighs In]

But, according to a 2022 review of evidence in the journal Nutrients, evidence regarding the efficacy of creatine nitrate is mixed, and “it remains to be determined whether (creatine nitrate) supplementation has any additional benefit than simply co-ingesting (creatine monohydrate) [and] another source of nitrate.” (15)

Creatine Malate

Creatine malate is formed via an ester bond between three creatine molecules and one malic acid molecule. Existing research on the effects of creatine malate is conflicting: In a 2012 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, creatine malate supplementation had no significant positive (or negative) effect on judo athletes. However, in a 2015 study, creatine malate had ergogenic effects on sprinters. Most importantly, to date, there isn’t any high-quality evidence directly comparing creatine malate to creatine monohydrate, so it’s impossible to say whether it’s more effective or not. (16)(17

Creatine Magnesium Chelate

Creatine magnesium chelate is creatine attached to a magnesium molecule. Proponents say it’s absorbed more easily and prevents stomach pain and bloating, but as of this writing, there is no evidence supporting the prior claim, and the latter claim is subjective. This type of creatine may be worth trying for individuals with easily upset stomachs

Creatine Ethyl Ester

This type of creatine has an ester molecule attached. Purportedly, it can be taken in lower doses but have the same effect as creatine monohydrate, or a more significant one. Research doesn’t support this: What limited evidence is available shows that creatine ethyl ester is not more bioavailable than creatine monohydrate, nor is it more adept at eliciting training adaptations. (15)(18)

Creatine Pyruvate

Creatine pyruvate is creatine attached to pyruvate, the end-product of glycolysis, which is the energy pathway in the body that converts glucose (sugar) into pyruvate. Because of pyruvate’s role in aerobic metabolism, it’s been hypothesized that creatine pyruvate may have a greater impact on endurance athletes than creatine monohydrate. 

[Read More: Does Creatine Expire? A Certified Nutrition Coach Gives Their Insight]

Limited research suggests that this may be true, but the evidence is far from conclusive. Furthermore, the aforementioned 2022 review of evidence in Nutrients states that there is no evidence directly comparing creatine pyruvate to creatine monohydrate. (19) (15)

Creatine Citrate

Creatine bound to citric acid, or creatine citrate, is said to be more water-soluble than creatine monohydrate, but it has less creatine by weight, meaning a higher dose is likely needed to produce the same effects (if it had similar bioavailability). Additionally, research reveals that “there are no studies indicating that (creatine citrate) is more bioavailable, more effective, or a safer source of creatine than (creatine monohydrate).”(15)

Kre-Alkalyn or Buffered Creatine

Kre-Alkalyn is a branded form of buffered creatine, which is creatine with a higher pH than creatine monohydrate, making it more alkaline. Again, no solid scientific evidence supports buffered creatine as better than creatine monohydrate. 

Noticing a trend? At this point, decades of research seem to suggest creatine monohydrate as the way to go.


Here are some of the questions we hear more often about creatine and weight loss.

Should I take creatine while trying to lose weight?

There’s no reason not to take creatine while trying to lose weight, Gonzalez says. “Creatine does not interfere with weight loss efforts and will only support energy metabolism and body composition goals,” he explains. “Consuming sufficient protein along with creatine can help maintain muscle mass while cutting fat.”

Is creatine good for losing weight?

Creatine is not a fat-burning supplement, and it does not directly support weight loss goals. However, it does support improved athletic performance, quickened muscle recovery, and energy, all of which can lead to more calories burned while training and more muscle growth — ultimately impacting weight loss efforts. 
The bottom line is that creating won’t directly reduce belly fat or fat anywhere else on your body, but it indirectly contributes to fat loss over time

Does creatine cause weight gain?

Creatine does a few things to the body that people may perceive as unwanted weight gain. In the initial stages of creatine supplementation, typically within the first week — and especially if one is undertaking a creatine loading phase — the body may retain more water than usual, resulting in a puffy or bloated feeling. 
This is not a long-term effect. Over the long haul, creatine supplementation in conjunction with weight training can increase muscle tissue in the body, which is the desired effect of taking creatine. Though more muscle mass may mean that you may gain weight, it’s lean mass and not fat mass. 


  1. Kreider RB, Stout JR. Creatine in Health and Disease. Nutrients. 2021;13(2):447. 
  2. Kreider RB, Kalman DS, Antonio J, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2017;14:18. 
  3. Antonio, J., Candow, D.G., Forbes, S.C. et al. Common questions and misconceptions about creatine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show?. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2021;(8)2
  4. Wang CC, Fang CC, Lee YH, Yang MT, Chan KH. Effects of 4-Week Creatine Supplementation Combined with Complex Training on Muscle Damage and Sport Performance. Nutrients. 2018;10(11):1640.
  5. Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Aphamis G, et al. Effects of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Power Output during Repeated Treadmill Sprinting. Nutrients. 2022;14(6):1140. 
  6. Izquierdo M, Ibañez J, González-Badillo JJ, Gorostiaga EM. Effects of creatine supplementation on muscle power, endurance, and sprint performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002;34(2):332-343.
  7. Hoffman J, Ratamess N, Kang J, Mangine G, Faigenbaum A, Stout J. Effect of creatine and beta-alanine supplementation on performance and endocrine responses in strength/power athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006;16(4):430-446.
  8. Engelhardt M, Neumann G, Berbalk A, Reuter I. Creatine supplementation in endurance sports. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1998;30(7):1123-1129.
  9. Bogdanis GC, Nevill ME, Aphamis G, et al. Effects of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Power Output during Repeated Treadmill Sprinting. Nutrients. 2022;14(6):1140. 
  10. Mills S, Candow DG, Forbes SC, Neary JP, Ormsbee MJ, Antonio J. Effects of Creatine Supplementation during Resistance Training Sessions in Physically Active Young Adults. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1880.
  11. Burke R, Piñero A, Coleman M, et al. The Effects of Creatine Supplementation Combined with Resistance Training on Regional Measures of Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2023;15(9):2116.
  12. Rae C, Digney AL, McEwan SR, Bates TC. Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. Proc Biol Sci. 2003;270(1529):2147-2150.
  13. McMorris T, Mielcarz G, Harris RC, Swain JP, Howard A. Creatine supplementation and cognitive performance in elderly individuals. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2007;14(5):517-528.
  14. Fazio C, Elder CL, Harris MM. Efficacy of Alternative Forms of Creatine Supplementation on Improving Performance and Body Composition in Healthy Subjects: A Systematic Review. J Strength Cond Res. 2022;36(9):2663-2670.
  15. Kreider RB, Jäger R, Purpura M. Bioavailability, Efficacy, Safety, and Regulatory Status of Creatine and Related Compounds: A Critical Review. Nutrients. 2022;14(5):1035.
  16. Sterkowicz S, Tyka AK, Chwastowski M, Sterkowicz-Przybycień K, Tyka A, Klys A. The effects of training and creatine malate supplementation during preparation period on physical capacity and special fitness in judo contestants. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2012;9(1):41.
  17. Tyka AK, Chwastowski M, Cison T, et al. Effect of creatine malate supplementation on physical performance, body composition and selected hormone levels in sprinters and long-distance runners. Acta Physiol Hung. 2015;102(1):114-122.
  18. Spillane M, Schoch R, Cooke M, et al. The effects of creatine ethyl ester supplementation combined with heavy resistance training on body composition, muscle performance, and serum and muscle creatine levels. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2009;6:6. 
  19. Chaudhry R, Varacallo M. Biochemistry, Glycolysis. [Updated 2023 Aug 8]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024

Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.


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CAROL Bike Review (2024) | BarBend


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Sure, artificial intelligence may very well take over the world, eliminate our jobs, and destroy humanity, but we love what it’s capable of when integrated with one of the best exercise bikes we’ve tested. The AI-powered CAROL Bike — CAROL comes from what the company calls “cardiovascular optimization logic” — was designed to deliver adaptable and personalized HIIT workouts. CAROL’s short bursts of cardio are based on the principles of REHIT — Reduced Exertion High-Intensity Interval Training — and can deliver a calorie-torching workout in just a fraction of the time as standard exercise bikes. (1

Instead of trudging through a moderate-intensity workout for upwards of an hour, the CAROL Bike uses your metrics to make real-time adjustments to your workouts. Feeling a little sluggish today? It’ll adapt to your pace and stretch out your time frame. Feeling like Neo ready to take down the machines? The CAROL Bike will match your intensity with an equally-challenging ride. Considering the time-saving potential of AI-charged REHIT workouts, we think anyone looking for productive, personalized training can benefit from this high-tech exercise bike — so long as they’ve got the coin to spend on it.



The CAROL bike’s AI capabilities provide you with tailored training, designed to give you the best workout in the least amount of time. Customers have a 100-day trial period to decide whether or not this bike is right for them.

Main Takeaways

  • CAROL’s AI analyzes your metrics to craft personalized REHIT workouts that adapt in real time. Studies have shown that in just 10 minutes these science-backed rides can deliver the same benefits as a 30-minute moderate-intensity session. (1
  • In Free Ride mode, you can stream studio classes or scenic rides from apps like Peloton, Zwift, YouTube, Netflix, or Apple Fitness+ via the 2K 11-inch display.
  • At $2,595, it exceeds the average price range for connected bikes — $1,200 to $2,000 — by roughly $600, and that’s not including the required $15 per month subscription.
  • Its footprint of just 6.95 square feet makes it one of the most compact bikes we’ve tested — just under the average range of 7 to 8.5 square feet.

CAROL Bike Highlights

  • Price: $2,595
  • Dimensions: 45.5″ L x 22″ W
  • Display: 11” IPS touchscreen with 2K resolution
  • Weight: 120lbs
  • Resistance: AI-controlled, motorized resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 330lbs
  • User Height Range: 4’7″ to 6’7″
  • Warranty: 1-year on frame, parts, and components

Several of the best treadmills, rowers, and exercise bikes integrate fitness apps into their machines, but the engineers at CAROL took a different tack. They’ve designed a truly smart exercise bike that utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze your output, learn your personal maximum intensity, and adjust the resistance accordingly. With every pedal stroke and heartbeat, your bike learns how to best and most efficiently challenge you during each ride. 

Our BarBend tester riding the CAROL Bike.
Our BarBend tester riding the CAROL Bike.

Based on the research-backed concept of REHIT (Reduced Exertion High-Intensity Interval Training), the AI onboard your CAROL Bike leverages what it knows about you to increase or decrease your resistance, while shortening or lengthening your workout. 

As our tester — a certified personal trainer — experienced, the AI is learning from the very first ride. “If you hop on the bike and think, ‘This is too easy,’ that’s because it is learning your movements and how you are progressing.”

[Related: The 8 Best Exercise Bikes with Screens]

Compared to a typical HIIT workout (think “high” intensity), REHIT workouts (think “maximum” intensity) streamline your training by trading longer periods of a moderate power output for shorter periods of a higher output. (1

The artificial intelligence on the CAROL Bike then uses your data to optimize your training time. “Essentially, AI learns your patterns and movements through that fitness test and your workouts over time to learn when to push you and when to hold back,” our tester said.

Our tester using the touchscreen on the CAROL Bike.
Our tester using the touchscreen on the CAROL Bike.

One sneaky plus for the CAROL Bike is its “unlocked” 11-inch 2K touchscreen. The screens on many connected exercise bikes often only support that brand’s proprietary programming, thus preventing access to other fitness or streaming apps — but that’s not so with this bike. 

Free love reigns, as you can download essentially any app available on an Android device, including some of the best fitness apps: iFIT, Peloton, Zwift, and more. Or if you want to zone out with your favorite show on Netflix or YouTubeTV, its display is your oyster.

High-tech gear doesn’t come cheap, however. At $2,595, the CAROL Bike comes in around $600 more than the top of the typical range for app-connected exercise bikes. On top of that, you’ll be hit with a monthly $15 subscription to access all that glorious AI capability.


  • AI analyzes your metrics to personalize REHIT workouts, potentially allowing you to achieve results in 10 minutes that would otherwise take 30 minutes. (1)
  • Its 11-inch touchscreen is “unlocked,” so you can download just about any fitness or entertainment app, including Peloton, Zwift, Amazon Prime, or Netflix.
  • It only occupies 6.95 square feet of floor space, making it ideal for apartments or smaller training spaces.
  • With dual-sided pedals, you can either clip into SPD cleats or slip sneakers into the toe cages.


  • Its $2,595 price tag surpasses the upper end of the average price range for connected exercise bikes ($1,200 to $2,000) by about $600.
  • It costs an additional $15 a month to access its AI optimization, science-backed REHIT workouts, and software updates.
  • Wearing the included heart rate monitor is required to utilize the AI-powered features.
  • Its 1-year warranty is weak for a bike in this price range.

Training With the CAROL Bike

To say training with the CAROL Bike is unique would be an understatement. After our team experienced the potential of its AI-powered workouts, we were left fighting over who would get to take it home. Expert reviewer Amanda Capritto, CPT, CES, CNC, CF-L1, CSNC, highlighted the general benefits of exercise bikes when assessing them for BarBend.

“Cycling brings an impressive collection of health benefits to the table: cardiovascular health, endurance, stamina, muscular endurance are all improved with cycling, to name a few,” Capritto said. With CAROL’s cardiovascular optimization logic efficiently crafting your workouts, you may be able to even more quickly boost your cardiovascular health, manage your weight, and improve your mental health. (2)

After spinning the pedals on over 30 exercise bikes, our team of road cyclists, mountain bikers, and Peloton apologists know how to spot a quality bike. After years of using both the original model and the CAROL Bike 2.0, we rated it on a scale of 1 (boo, hiss) to 5 (yippee, hooray) across 12 categories, including tech capabilities, dynamic programming, and durability. 

AI-Powered REHIT Workouts

With so much technology driving the CAROL Bike, it’s important to start with the basics. From your very first ride — the baseline fitness test — the bike’s AI is learning about you.

Our tester, a certified personal trainer, experienced this on their first ride. “On my first ride, I thought, ‘Whoa, this is too easy. Something’s wrong.’ But the baseline starts super low because in those beginning stages, it’s learning about your output and fitness level.”

Our tester doing a REHIT workout on the CAROL Bike.
Our tester doing a REHIT workout on the CAROL Bike.

You’d be forgiven for not being familiar with the concept of REHIT (Reduced Exertion High-Intensity Interval Training), but if typical HIIT workouts are about “high intensity,” REHIT is about “maximum intensity.” (1)(3) In fact, a study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise demonstrated that, in a group of 32 participants over an 8-week period, 10 minutes of REHIT on the CAROL Bike produced more cardiorespiratory and cardiometabolic benefits than 30-minute training sessions at a continuous moderate intensity. (1)

[Related: The 6 Benefits of HIIT]

As our tester experienced, the AI on the CAROL Bike uses machine learning to optimize your training. “Essentially, AI learns your patterns and movements through that fitness test and your workouts over time to learn when to push you and when to hold back.”

To another of our testers, it seemed too good to be true. “At first I was skeptical, but after your warm up, the REHIT sessions are tough as hell. It just requires constant output, so I went all out for a couple 20-second sprints and it was over in 8 minutes and 40 seconds,” they explained. 

Our BarBend tester standing up on the CAROL Bike.
Our BarBend tester standing up on the CAROL Bike.

You’re probably already thinking of the time-saving benefits. If you’re a busy parent that needs to work out during episodes of Bluey or you have a meeting-packed work day, being able to do a productive workout in under 10 minutes could be a game changer. 

In fact, a 2021 study found that Intense rides (87.7 calories) and Fat Burn rides (186.1 calories) on the CAROL Bike burned significantly more calories compared to moderate-intensity (45.2 calories) or vigorous-intensity treadmill exercise (72.1 calories). (4)

[Related: The 8 Best Budget Treadmills]

While they rated both its tech capabilities and dynamic programming 4 out of 5 or higher, our tester did emphasize that all this AI goodness requires a monthly subscription to track and store data and receive software updates.

“If you don’t want to pay that $15 a month, you might want to check out a more affordable option,” our tester advised. 

Free Mode

While the CAROL Bike’s REHIT workouts are its bread and butter, they aren’t the only way to work up a sweat on it. In Free Mode, you can control time and resistance level as you pedal via a slider at the bottom of the screen. You can also take one of the bike’s FTP tests so it can learn your power and heart rate zones, which can also be utilized in Free Mode. 

Let Freedom Stream

A not-so-secret element of many connected exercise bikes is that they lock you into their programming — looking at you, Peloton and NordicTrack — by requiring monthly subscriptions to get the most out of them. However, since the CAROL Bike’s calling card is the REHIT workouts powered by its AI, they seem less concerned about users firing up their favorite fitness or entertainment apps on the 11-inch 2K touchscreen.

[Related: The 9 Best Workout Apps for Women]

The display is essentially — OK, literally — an Android tablet, so you can download apps at your leisure. That means you can switch the bike into Free Mode and take a class on apps like iFIT, Peloton, Zwift, or any other service for which you have a subscription.

Adjustability and Customizations

The CAROL Bike can cater to users ranging from 4 feet 7 inches to 6 feet 7 inches  with its adjustable seat and handlebars. Also, we like its hybrid pedal design — you can either clip in with SPD cleats or slip sneakers into a set of toe cages. “One side has a caged toe box,” said our tester. “I didn’t really want to use cycling shoes, so I just used my cross-training shoes with that cage.” They rated adjustability, ergonomics, and conveniences each a 4.5 out of 5.  

[Related: 14 Best Cross-Training Shoes of 2024]

Our tester did, however, call out one feature from the original model that was scrapped for the CAROL Bike 2.0. “The older CAROL Bike had sensors in the handlebars to monitor your heart rate and I actually liked that better,” they said. 

The current model requires you to use an included chest strap to monitor your heart rate. “If you don’t like wearing the chest strap, you’re kind of out of luck because the AI needs that metric to make the most accurate adjustments for those REHIT workouts.”


Outside of its space-age technology, the bike itself is a solid piece of home gym equipment. To our tester, the powder-coated steel frame, belt-drive system, and 30-pound flywheel were all indications that the bike could hold up over time. “The powder coating helps fight corrosion, so whether you keep it in the house or in the garage, it doesn’t really matter. It’ll last for a long time,” they said, rating its durability 4 out of 5.

The CAROL Bike.
The CAROL Bike.

Compared to the chain-drive systems you’ll find on regular road or mountain bikes, the belt-drive systems on high-end exercise bikes tend to be quieter and require less regular maintenance. (5) The CAROL Bike has frictionless magnetic brakes and a rear-positioned flywheel, which according to our tester, is the standard in boutique cycling studios.

[Related: The 8 Best Magnetic Exercise Bikes]

“Most cycling studios use rear-mounted flywheels with belt drives because they just last longer,” they said. “You don’t have sweat and condensation dripping down and causing corrosion.”

The rear flywheel on the CAROL Bike.
The rear flywheel on the CAROL Bike.

They conceded, however, that, despite it being a “really solid bike,” you can find better builds elsewhere. The belt drive and rear flywheel are common on commercial-grade bikes, which is a good indication,” they explained. “But nothing really stands out about the build itself. The AI is what sets it apart.”

What to Consider Before Buying the CAROL Bike

“There are two key groups of people I see benefitting from indoor exercise bikes the most: People who need a low-impact way to do cardio exercise, and athletes training for an event who need a way to perform structured interval training,” says our expert reviewer, Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you consider making the CAROL Bike part of your training.

Training Type

A huge consideration before investing in the CAROL Bike is the kind of cardio workout experience you want day to day. The bike is designed to support short, high-intensity REHIT workouts, so if you’re planning on long-distance rides or endurance training, it’s probably not for you. 

[Related: The 6 Best Exercise Bikes with Virtual Courses]

Also, if you fire up a Peloton class or scenic ride on iFIT, it’s fair to say the CAROL Bike’s 11-inch display won’t feel as immersive as the larger 16-inch to 24-inch displays you’ll find on Peloton and NordicTrack bikes. 

But if quick and effective workouts are what you’re after, the REHIT workouts can help produce similar results in a fraction of the time. (1)

Our tester sitting on the CAROL Bike.
Our tester sitting on the CAROL Bike.

Capritto also highlighted the appealing feature of these app-connected options. “Bikes [with streaming capabilities] have become ultra-popular among people who love the fitness studio vibes that come from interactive workout sessions,” she noted. On the other hand, being able to leverage the science behind REHIT workouts to achieve results in less time might be equally appealing. 


Before bringing home an exercise bike, treadmill, or any home gym essential, make sure that it fits in your budget — especially with an expensive bike like the CAROL Bike. It rings in at around $600 more than the average range for similar app-connected bikes — roughly $1,200 to $2,000. Also, keep in mind that to keep the AI hits coming, you’ll need to fork over an additional $15 per month, so we recommend reading up on REHIT workouts before you write that check. 


While we wouldn’t place the CAROL Bike among the best portable exercise bikes, it is one of the more compact units we’ve used. It measures 45.5 inches long and 22 inches wide, so it’s only going to take up 6.95 square feet, which is just below the typical footprint we see from upright bikes. 

Our tester’s feet in the dual-sided pedals on the CAROL Bike.
Our tester’s feet in the dual-sided pedals on the CAROL Bike.

Even so, Capritto advises to get out the measuring tape before clicking add to cart for any at-home fitness equipment. “Triple-measure your space to make sure it will fit!” On top of that, we also recommend clearing about 2 feet of space around the bike for an unobstructed workout.


Though there is a 30-day return window, our team was surprised by the relatively short 1-year warranty offered by CAROL. Bikes in this price range typically offer 5- to 10-year warranties, but given the experiences of our other teammates, they were optimistic. “We have several team members that have had CAROL Bikes for years and haven’t had any problems.”

CAROL Bike Vs. The Competition

The artificial intelligence that powers the CAROL workouts makes it unique in the market, but there are several well-known bikes at comparable price points that serve as worthy comparisons. Take a look at a few other options out there to see how it stacks up.

CAROL Bike Keiser M3i Peloton Bike
Price $2,595 $2,985 $1,445
Footprint 45.5″ L x 22″ W 51” L x 26” W x 49” H  59″ L x 23″ W x 53″ H
Weight 120lbs 92lbs 135lbs
Weight Capacity 330lbs 350lbs 297lbs
Programming REHIT N/A Peloton app
Resistance AI-controlled  Micro-adjustable 100 levels micro-adjustable 
Pedals Adjustable toe cages/SPD clips Adjustable toe cages/SPD clips Delta-compatible aluminum pedals
Warranty 1-year frame, parts, and components 3-year frame, 90-day labor  5-year frame, 1-year touchscreen, components, pedals, and labor

Obviously, the AI-powered resistance and training on the CAROL Bike is different from the more traditional levels of magnetic resistance on the Keiser M3i and Peloton Bike. However, the M3i is a favorite among boutique studios and serious cyclists for its incredibly smooth ride, higher-than-average weight capacity, and commercial-grade build.

[Related: The 9 Best Exercise Bikes For Heavy People]

The Peloton Bike is no slouch in terms of durability, its world-class programming is what sets it apart. According to BarBend editorial member and self-professed “Peloton guy,” Randall Colburn, the word Peloton is synonymous with indoor cycling for a reason. “The instructors provide motivation, allow room for adjustments, and routinely make me laugh. I would die for Denis Morton.” Another of our testers also raved about their experience. “What can I say about Peloton? The experience is top-notch, the instructors each bring their own flair to their classes, and the huge display brings it all to life.”

What sets the CAROL Bike apart from these and other bikes is how it utilizes AI to craft efficient workouts tailored to the rider. “Compared with the moderate-intensity sessions in a manual ride or even a studio class on Peloton, REHIT workouts can deliver in just a few minutes,” our tester explained. (1)

Places to Buy the CAROL Bike

You can buy the CAROL Bike directly from their website.

Customer Experience

The CAROL Bike offers a 30-day return policy and a 1-year warranty on the frame, parts, and components.

Company Information

CAROL does one thing very well — make the CAROL Bike. As a truly unique AI-powered stationary bike, it stands alone in the industry. You can reach their customer care team at info@carolbike.com or by filling out a form on their website.

Final Word

The CAROL Bike provides a truly unique cycling experience that our team has never seen before. Its built-in artificial intelligence leverages the rider’s workout data and history to create personalized, adaptable REHIT workouts that can maximize your training time. Research shows that the “maximum” intensity periods in a REHIT workout can achieve equal results as the “high” intensity periods of HIIT sessions. (1)

While the short bursts of maximum effort may not be for everyone, the quick workouts and impressive outcomes made us think that CAROL may be on to something. If the hyped-up studio vibes of Peloton or scenic cruises on iFIT are more your speed, the CAROL Bike may not be for you. However, if you’re intrigued by the efficient, personalized training made possible by this tech-savvy machine, we think the CAROL Bike justifies its price tag.


How much does the CAROL Bike cost?

At $2,595, the CAROL Bike exceeds the typical range for app-connected exercise bikes — $1,200 to $2,000 — by roughly $600.

Do CAROL bikes work?

According to a study from the American Council on Exercise, after an 8-week REHIT regimen of 10-minute workouts on the CAROL Bike, subjects experienced more cardiorespiratory and cardiometabolic benefits than those who completed 30-minute training sessions of continuous moderate intensity. (1)

Can you use CAROL Bike without subscription?

The CAROL Bike can be used without its $15 per month subscription, but only in Free Ride mode. You’ll still be able to download third-party apps on the display, but to access the AI-powered REHIT workouts it was designed for, you’ll need to subscribe.


  1. Cuddy TF, Ramos JS, Dalleck LC. Reduced Exertion High-Intensity Interval Training is More Effective at Improving Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardiometabolic Health than Traditional Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Feb 7;16(3):483.
  2. Oja, P., Titze, S., Bauman, A., de Geus, B., Krenn, P., Reger-Nash, B., & Kohlberger, T. (2011). Health benefits of cycling: a systematic review. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 21(4), 496–509. 
  3. (Marketing), A. H. (2021, October 25). Rehit vs HIIT – high intensity interval training. Gym and Fitness. https://www.gymandfitness.com.au/blogs/tips/rehit-vs-hiit-high-intensity-interval-training 
  4. Eberly. (2021, July 17). The metabolic responses and epoc of carol: An AI-powered exercise bike – IJREP – international journal of research in exercise physiology. IJREP. https://ijrep.org/the-metabolic-responses-and-epoc-of-carol-an-ai-powered-exercise-bike/ 
  5. Sunny Health and Fitness Fit for Everyone®. (2018, March 30). Chain vs belt drive. Sunny Health and Fitness. https://sunnyhealthfitness.com/blogs/products/chain-vs-belt-drive 


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The 6 Best Exercise Bikes for Tall Riders of 2024, Ridden and Approved by Our Experts


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Whether they’re shopping for shoes, clothing, or tiny houses, taller consumers can often find their options lacking — and at-home fitness equipment isn’t always that much more accommodating. Thankfully, some of the best exercise bikes on the market cater to riders as tall as 6 feet 6 inches. We saddled up on more than 20 different bikes to find the best exercise bikes for tall riders that won’t crunch your budget (or vertebrae).

Below, you’ll find bikes with integrated fitness apps and huge HD touchscreens for the techies, along with more utilitarian models to fit minimalist lifestyles. Join us as we break down what makes these hyper-adjustable exercise bikes suitable for taller-than-average cyclists.

The 6 Best Exercise Bikes for Tall Riders 

About Our Expert

This article has been reviewed by Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. She reviewed the research we cite to help ensure we’re providing helpful, accurate descriptions and recommendations.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Exercise Bikes for Tall Riders 

The BarBend team of fitness professionals includes certified personal trainers, CrossFit coaches, and cycling enthusiasts, but what makes us uniquely qualified to speak to exercise bikes for tall riders is our own height range. Our team members range from 5 feet 3 inches to 6 feet 3 inches — and our tallest tester is actually our go-to exercise bike expert. Altogether, we’ve spun the pedals on more than 20 exercise bikes from top brands, rating each of them on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) across 13 categories, including adjustability, customizations, and durability.

The average height among U.S. adults is 5 feet 9 inches for men, and 5 feet 3 inches for women, so we consider tall riders to be anyone from 6 feet to 6 feet 6 inches tall (the highest recommended height among our picks). (1) Beyond the specs and measurements for each bike, we leaned on the experience of our taller teammates when curating this list of the best exercise bikes for tall riders because — simply put — they are our tallest riders. Read on to see which of these bikes might be the best fit for you.


Before we even saddled up on these bikes, we maxed out the seat heights and adjusted the handlebars to get a sense of the range that the product pages list as their recommended user heights. Most options we included claim to accommodate riders up to at least 6 feet 5 inches, but a few don’t list a recommended height range. 

BarBend lead video reviewer Jake Herod, NASM-CPT, adjusting the resistance on the NordicTrack S22i.
BarBend lead video reviewer Jake Herod, NASM-CPT, adjusting the resistance on the NordicTrack S22i.

In cases like this, we looked into other measurements, like inseam height — the distance from your upper inner thigh to the heel of your foot — and leaned on the experience of our taller team members. (2)

[Related: The 9 Best Portable Exercise Bikes]

Outside of the seat heights, we also noted the adjustability of the handlebars — specifically if they can be adjusted four ways or just vertically. Other elements — like types of pedals and swiveling screens — earned mentions, but since hopping in a Peloton class with a few crunched vertebrae is not ideal, we focused on making sure you can find a comfortable fit.


During a ride, you typically manage resistance via an adjustment knob on the frame just below the seat. However — unless you go with a recumbent option — you may have your seat raised so high that leaning down to reach the knob can be a bit of a challenge. 

The seat adjustment on the Diamondback 1260sc.
The seat on the Diamondback 1260sc.

We made sure to include bikes that offer alternatives, from levers and handlebar buttons to automatic adjustments via connected apps like iFIT or Peloton. Whether you’re cruising (virtually, of course) through Malibu or trying to keep up with your instructor, being able to quickly and comfortably adjust the resistance was a huge factor when we made our picks.


By including options ranging from $279.99 to $1,799, we tried to accommodate a wide range of budgets in addition to heights. Most stationary bikes fall between $600 and $2,000, and most of our picks fall right in the middle of that range. 

The higher you climb up that range, the more premium features you can expect to see, like integration with some of the best fitness apps, more resistance levels, and even incline and decline capabilities. 

Best Overall Exercise Bike for Tall Riders: NordicTrack S22i

NordicTrack Commercial S22i

NordicTrack Commercial S22i

NordicTrack Commercial S22i

The NordicTrack Commercial S22i is high-tech and high quality, featuring both advancements like a 22” touchscreen display, and solid specs like 24 levels of quiet magnetic resistance.


  • Price: $1,799
  • Recommended Height Range: Not listed, but the seat is adjustable up to 13 inches
  • Resistance: 24 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Display: 22” HD touchscreen
  • Dimensions: 58″ H x 61″ L x 22″ W 
  • Weight: 205lbs
  • Weight Capacity: 350lbs


  • With a 13-inch seat height range and vertically-adjustable handlebars, tall riders can find a comfortable fit to take on iFIT workouts.
  • The 22-inch HD touchscreen brings iFIT’s studio classes and scenic rides from around the world to life.
  • You can expect smooth resistance and incline adjustment, whether you change it manually or automatically using iFIT’s SmartAdjust capability.


  • Though we find it vital to the bike’s appeal, an iFIT membership costs an additional $39.99 per month.
  • The large screen and 205-pound overall weight made it difficult for our testers to move around.

Between the 13-inch range on the seat stack and adjustable handlebars, tall riders should have little issue taking the S22i for a virtual jaunt via the thousands of classes available through iFIT, which comes integrated into the 22-inch display of this exercise bike. If you find the resistance adjustment knob to be out of reach with the seat height maxed out, the S22i also provides buttons on the handlebars. You can also allow iFIT’s SmartAdjust feature to automatically change it in response to the terrain of a scenic ride or the class you’re taking.

BarBend lead video reviewer Jake Herod riding the NordicTrack S22i.
BarBend lead video reviewer Jake Herod on the NordicTrack S22i.

Although NordicTrack doesn’t list a recommended height range for the S22i, its seat height is adjustable up to 13 inches, allowing for an inseam range of 28 to 41 inches from the lowest pedal position to the seat. If you measure from your heel up to the top of your inner thigh, match your measurement with that range. (2)

[Related: iFit Review – Is Virtual Coaching The New Normal?]

While she wasn’t a huge fan of the seat itself, BarBend editorial member and certified personal trainer Kate Meier, NASM-CPT, USAW-L1, CF-L1, rated its adjustability and ergonomics 4.8 out of 5. “The seat adjusts vertically, horizontally, and even tilts, but I thought the actual seat was kind of uncomfortable,” she said. She noted that it can be swapped out for a more comfortable seat, but finding the slider rails could make finding a replacement difficult.

It’s worth noting that an iFIT membership will set you back $39.99 per month, but Meier thinks it’s essential to get the most out of the bike. “Without iFIT, you basically just have an expensive manual bike,” she said, rating its tech capabilities and dynamic programming both 5 out of 5.

When she moved this 205-pound hoss around our gym, Meier — a competitive weightlifter, mind you — had a bit of trouble navigating the large screen, leading to a 3.5 out of 5 rating for portability. “There’s not a handle or anything, so trying to drive that thing — especially with the screen throwing off the balance — was tough.”

Read our full NordicTrack S22i Exercise Bike Review.

Best Exercise Bike for Tall Riders Under $1,000: Schwinn IC4

Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike

Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike

Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike

The Schwinn IC4 combines upper and lower body work with its included set of dumbbells and 100 levels of cycling resistance for a complete upper and lower body burn. Dial up your favorite streaming app and hop on, this bike is compatible with JRNY, Peloton, and Zwift.


  • Price: $899
  • Recommended Height Range: 4’6″ to 6’6″
  • Display: LCD screen with device holder
  • Resistance: 100 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Dimensions: 51.8″ H x 54.6″ L x 30.7″ W  
  • Weight: 112lbs
  • Weight Capacity: 330lbs


  • The IC4’s 24-inch height range is the most accommodating among bikes we’ve tested, while still coming in at just $899.
  • Riders up to 6 feet 6 inches can use the four-way adjustable seat and handlebars to find a comfortable position.
  • A heavy 40-pound flywheel allows for smooth transitions between its 100 levels of resistance.
  • Connect your mobile device to use apps like JRNY, Peloton, or Zwift to track metrics and follow virtual courses or studio classes.


  • Tech-inclined riders may want a touchscreen display instead of supplying their own devices.
  • With just a 3-inch LCD screen onboard, the $899 price tag may be too steep for some.

A 24-inch height range — the largest of any bike we tested — makes the Schwinn IC4’s sub-$1,000 price point even more appealing for tall riders. It can accommodate users up to 6 feet 6 inches, and includes a four-way adjustable seat so they can find the right setup for their body type. While you won’t find an HD touchscreen on the console, you can sync your own device to follow workouts or entertainment. You can also connect many of the best heart rate monitors — or strap on Schwinn’s included band — to keep an eye on your pulse while you pump the pedals.

Our tester riding the Schwinn IC4.
Our tester riding the Schwinn IC4.

After getting to know the IC4, certified personal trainer Kate Meier rated its value, adjustability, and ergonomics all 5 out of 5. “For less than $1,000, you’re getting a ton of tech and conveniences — like the water bottle holder, and pair of dumbbells,” she said. Tall techies may be disappointed when they see a 3-inch LCD monitor, but Meier noted that the included media shelf allows riders to follow workouts from their own mobile devices.

Our tester adjusting the settings on the Schwinn IC4.
Our tester adjusting the settings on the Schwinn IC4.

During rides, the 40-pound flywheel — 10 pounds heavier than what we consider heavy — allows for smooth transitions between the 100 levels of magnetic resistance. Meier rated its customizations 5 out of 5, noting that there are two ways to adjust resistance. “If it’s uncomfortable to reach down to the resistance knob, you can change it digitally from the LCD monitor,” she pointed out.

Read our full Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike Review.

Best Exercise Bike for Tall Riders with Simple Display: Diamondback 1260sc Rear Wheel Studio Cycle

Diamondback 1260sc Rear Wheel Studio Cycle

Diamondback 1260sc Rear Wheel Studio Cycle

Diamondback 1260sc Rear Wheel Studio Cycle

With a rear-mounted 31-pound flywheel, it can help avoid corrosion brought on by moisture from sweat or drinks. The adjustment lever for the 16 levels of magnetic resistance can allow for smooth adjustment and its user-powered design requires no electricity.


  • Price: $1,199
  • Recommended Height Range: 5’2″ to 6’5″
  • Dimensions: 50″ H x 59″ L x 23″ W
  • Display: LCD screen with device holder
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Resistance: Lever-adjusted magnetic resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 300lbs


  • Riders up to 6 feet 5 inches can track their metrics on the LCD screen, or by connecting their own tablet or phones via Bluetooth.
  • Its heavy 31-pound flywheel is rear-mounted to avoid corrosion-inducing moisture from sweat or spilled drinks.
  • The 16 resistance levels can be adjusted using a lever instead of a traditional knob.


  • $1,199 might be too expensive for a bike with no screen.
  • Some athletes may find the clicking noise distracting when adjusting the resistance lever.

The Diamondback 1260sc Rear Wheel Studio Cycle allows riders up to 6 feet 5 inches to track their metrics via the pedal-activated LCD screen or their own connected device. Once you start pedaling, this user-powered bike roars to life, displaying stats like heart rate, time, and calories burned. 

Our BarBend tester riding the Diamondback 1260sc.
Our BarBend tester riding the Diamondback 1260sc.

While the lack of an HD touchscreen may have cost it a point for its tech capabilities and value — both a 4 out of 5 — our tester appreciated the freedom to connect their own device. “The console is smaller than some other high-end bikes I’ve used, but it shows you everything you need,” they said. “And the fact that the tablet holder doesn’t cover it let me see both at the same time.”

[Related: Best Beginner Mountain Bikes]

The four-way adjustable seat and handlebars helped the 1260sc earn a 5 out of 5 for both adjustability and ergonomics, but it was the unique resistance-adjustment mechanism that impressed our tester. “This totally surprised me, but I think I prefer this lever to a regular resistance knob,” they stated. “It changed real quick, and though it makes a clicking noise, it didn’t bother me at all.”

The rear flywheel on the Diamondback 1260sc.
The rear flywheel on the Diamondback 1260sc.

Its rear-flywheel drive may help prolong the life of the bike, as it’s out of the danger zone where sweat droplets and spilled water can splash and lead to corrosion. “Most cycling studios use bikes with rear flywheels for this exact reason,” they explained, rating its durability another 5 out of 5.” They need less maintenance and just create fewer problems over time.” (3)

Best Budget Exercise Bike for Tall Riders: Yosuda YB001R Magnetic Exercise Bike

Yosuda YB001R Exercise Bike

Yosuda YB001R Exercise Bike

Yosuda YB001R Exercise Bike

Smooth and quiet cycling with a 35 lb flywheel and attached transport wheels so you can cruise where you want to. Simple LCD screen with a lip for an iPad, tablet, or phone.


  • Price: $279.99
  • Recommended Height Range: Not listed, but it has a 25″ to 35″ inseam height adjustment
  • Dimensions: 45” H x 40” L x 22” W
  • Display: LCD screen with device holder
  • Weight: 68lbs
  • Resistance: Magnetic
  • Weight Capacity: 270lbs


  • At just $279.99, it’s well below the average range we’ve seen for exercise bikes for tall riders — $1,200 to $2,000.
  • With a 10-inch inseam height range up to 35 inches and four-way adjustable seat, tall riders should be able to find a comfortable position.
  • It only occupies 6.11 square feet of floor space, which is almost a full square foot less than the average range for upright bikes. 


  • Its resistance levels are not labeled, which means you’ll need to make adjustments based on feel.
  • After just a few rides, our tester noted that some cracks were forming in the seat.

Our pick for the best budget exercise bike for tall riders — the Yosuda YB001R — offers the adjustability to suit tall riders, and it does so a fraction of the cost of most exercise bikes. Most options that have the adjustability taller users need are closer to $1,200 to $2,000. This makes the YB001R a whopping $900 less than the low end of the average range. 

Our tester riding the Yosuda Indoor Cycling Bike.
Our tester riding the Yosuda YB001R.

While Yosuda doesn’t list a recommended height range, you can use its inseam height range (25 inches to 35 inches) to glean how you may fit in the saddle. (2) If you measure from the top of your inner thigh to the heel of your foot, make sure that measurement falls within their listed range.

Our tester, who stands 6 feet 3 inches tall, was happy to note that the YB001R offered some of the same flexibility as more expensive bikes. “I was able to adjust the seat four ways and fit just fine,” they said, rating its adjustability and ergonomics both 3.5 out of 5. “It doesn’t list a recommended height range, but I think even people taller than me would be comfortable, too.”

[Related: The 12 Best Budget Home Gym Equipment of 2024]

Another element that isn’t listed is a number of resistance levels. While this isn’t unheard of on exercise bikes, it means you’ll need to make adjustments based on feel instead of a specific level, which prompted a customizations rating of 3 out of 5 from our tester.

Given its compact footprint — a 4 out of 5 — our tester noted how easy it was to move around the gym. “The wheels are what made it a breeze to move around, plus it’s only 68 pounds,” they said.

Close look at the handlebars while our BarBend Tester rides the Yosuda YB001R.
Our tester gripping the handlebars on the Yosuda YB001R.

For $279.99, our tester thought that being able to support tall riders gave it a lot of value — 3.5 out of 5 — but did note one durability concern. “The frame has been sturdy, but after two or three rides, I could already see some small tears on the seat — not a good sign.” 

They rated its durability 3.5 out of 5. “It may not be someone’s forever bike, but for a quick fix or beginner, this is a great price.”

Read our full Yosuda Exercise Bike Review.

Best Recumbent Exercise Bike for Tall Riders: NordicTrack Commercial R35

NordicTrack Commercial R35 Exercise Bike

NordicTrack Commercial R35 Exercise Bike

NordicTrack Commercial R35 Exercise Bike

This recumbent bike features a 25-pound flywheel and 26 levels of magnetic resistance. With your purchase, you’ll receive a 30-day trial to iFit, granting you access to over 16,000 workout classes ranging from cardio to strength training. 


  • Price: $1,499
  • Recommended Height Range: N/A
  • Dimensions: 53.42” H x 68.22” L x 23.69” W
  • Display: 14” HD touchscreen
  • Weight: 192lbs
  • Resistance: 26 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 350lbs


  • Its recumbent design, oversized adjustable seat, and step-through frame offers easy access compared to upright indoor bikes.
  • The steel frame can support users up to 350 pounds.
  • Take advantage of its iFIT integration to follow scenic rides or studio classes.


  • The 192-pound overall weight and heavy-duty build may make it difficult to move around your training space.
  • An iFIT subscription will set you back $39.99 per month.

While the NordicTrack R35 doesn’t explicitly list its height range, the sliding adjustable seat helped make it one of the best recumbent bikes we’ve tested. By comparison, the Schwinn 230 is about 4 inches shorter than the R35 and has a recommended height range of 6 feet 6 inches.  We love this model’s  oversized seat, extra-wide pedals, and step-through steel frame, all of which support comfort and accessibility. One of our taller testers — who is also a CrossFit Level 1 trainer — rated its adjustability, customizations, and durability a 4 out of 5.

Whether you’re 4 feet 6 inches or 6 feet 6 inches tall, recumbent bikes offer some benefits that upright bikes can’t. “For people with lower back pain, cycling [on an upright bike] may exacerbate that due to the positioning of the body on the bike,” says our expert reviewer, Amanda Capritto, CPT, CES, CNC, CF-L1, CSNC. (4) “Seniors and individuals with limited mobility may struggle to get on and off of an [upright] bike, in which case a recumbent bike is recommended.” 

[Related: The 9 Best Exercise Bikes for Heavy People (2024)]

Our tester loved the support that the recumbent design offers, especially given their recent ankle surgery. “Following my ankle reconstruction, a recumbent bike was one of these first ways I was able to start exercising again,” they shared. “It feels really low impact and is a good way to stay gently active while doing other things like reading a book or watching TV,” they said.

It also includes a 14-inch HD touchscreen where you can access on-demand cardio, strength, and mobility classes via iFIT. While an iFIT subscription costs an additional $39.99 per month, its dynamic programming earned a 5 out of 5 from our tester. “You can use Google Maps to plot new routes, plus it can auto-adjust the resistance for you, so you don’t have to mess with it during a ride.”

Recumbent bikes are typically larger than upright exercise bikes, but even with the transport wheels, its 192-pound overall weight made it tough for our tester to move around by themselves. “I definitely wouldn’t recommend anyone with an injury moving it around, but I’d probably leave it in one spot regardless,” they said, rating its portability 3.5 out of 5.

Read our Full NordicTrack Commercial R35 Exercise Bike Review.

Best Exercise Bike for Tall Riders with Peloton: Peloton Bike

Original Peloton Bike

Original Peloton Bike

The bike that started the Peloton craze offers a 22-inch touchscreen, Bluetooth connectivity, a five-megapixel front-facing camera, and a built-in microphone. The Peloton membership offers access to thousands of live and on-demand cycling classes as well as progress tracking and leaderboards.


  • Price: $1,445
  • Recommended Height Range: 4’11” to 6’5”
  • Dimensions: 51.25″ H x 51″ L x 24″ W 
  • Display: 22” HD touchscreen
  • Weight: 135lbs
  • Resistance: 100 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 297lbs


  • Whether you’re interested in heart-pumping studio classes or scenic rides, Peloton’s cycling content is unmatched.
  • Riders up to 6 feet 5 inches can find their fit using the four-way adjustable seat and vertically-adjustable handlebars.
  • The 100 levels in the magnetic resistance system exceeds the average range of 16 to 32 levels by, well, a lot.


  • A $44-per-month subscription is required to access the Peloton app’s library of studio classes and scenic rides.
  • Unless you swap out the pedals, you’ll need Delta-compatible cycling shoes.

No matter how tall the rider, Peloton’s studio class vibes are world-class. Not only can its premium cycling content — a 5 out of 5 from just about all of our testers — get your heart pumping, the bike itself can accommodate riders up to 6 feet 5 inches tall. With a four-way adjustable seat and vertically-adjustable handlebars, most users should be able to find a comfortable riding position. In fact, its adjustability, ergonomics, customizations, and durability all earned a 4 out of 5.

The Peloton Bike in the BarBend gym.
The Peloton Bike.

There’s a reason the Peloton Bike has become synonymous with indoor cycling. As BarBend editorial member Randall Colburn attests, the instructors themselves are key to its popularity and effectiveness. “The instructors provide motivation, allow room for adjustments, and routinely make me laugh. I would die for Denis Morton,” he said.

[Related: The 6 Best Exercise Bikes with Virtual Courses]

While you’ll also need to commit to the $44 per month subscription, our tester, a certified personal trainer, rated its value 4.5 out of 5. “The overall riding experience just can’t be beat. Plus, the 21.5-inch screen makes the classes feel that much more immersive,” they said, rating its tech capabilities a 4.5 out of 5.

The Peloton Bike pedals can be switched out with SPD-compatible options.
The pedals on the Peloton Bike.

If you want the full experience, you may need to spring for Delta-compatible cycling shoes, as that’s what Peloton provides. You can, however, swap out the pedals for ones with toe cages or clip-ins for SPD cleats. 

[Related: The 8 Best Exercise Bikes with Screens]

What to Consider Before Buying an Exercise Bike for Tall Riders

For tall riders, knowing what to look for when buying an indoor cycle should start with its adjustability. Check the maximum seat height, handlebar adjustment, and if the bike lists a recommended user height range. After making sure a bike can accommodate your particular height, make sure it aligns with your budget and intended use. 

Seat Height

Since bikes that can’t accommodate your height are unusable — and unworthy! — for you, start by checking the maximum height of the seat stack. Seats often slide forward and backward a few inches, but the seat stack height will indicate how high or low your booty can sit on the bike. Obviously that will indicate the leg length it can accommodate, so find this measurement before looking any further. 

Our BarBend tester adjusting the seat on the Schwinn IC4.
Our tester adjusting the seat stack on the Schwinn IC4.

If you’re going to invest in a home gym essential like an exercise bike, make sure you won’t be crunching any vertebrae when you start spinning the pedals. Our tallest tester — 6 feet 3 inches — has tested out most of the bikes we have used, so lean on his experience as you peruse our list.

Adjustable Handlebars

The other major adjustable element on an exercise bike is the handlebars. Some models feature four-way adjustable handlebars, but more commonly, you’ll see options that just raise and lower in about a 6-inch range. Once you find a bike with a seat that lets you comfortably reach the pedals, consider how far you’ll need to reach, as well as your preferred grip — overhand, hook, or extended. (5

Your Budget

While the average range of exercise bikes out there is pretty wide — around $600 to $3,000 — most of the models we’ve tested cost between $1,200 to $2,000. While you may be able to save some cash with a budget-friendly bike, these often don’t have the steel frames or seat height ranges to support taller riders. 

[Related: The 8 Best Exercise Bikes Under $500]

Once you have a figure in mind, use our price chart to quickly identify the exercise bikes that align with your finances. 

How Much Do the Best Exercise Bikes for Tall Riders Cost?

When you start shopping around for an exercise bike, you can expect to drop anywhere from $600 to $3,000. On average, though, a quality exercise bike will cost you between $1,200 and $2,000. Check out the options we selected for tall riders and see which bikes align with your budget.

Best Overall Exercise Bike for Tall Riders NordicTrack S22i $1,799
Best Exercise Bike for Tall Riders Under $1,000 Schwinn IC4 $899
Best Exercise Bike for Tall Riders with Simple Display Diamondback Bike 1260sc $1,199
Best Budget Exercise Bike for Tall Riders Yosuda YB001R Magnetic Exercise Bike $279.99
Best Recumbent Exercise Bike for Tall Riders NordicTrack Commercial R35 $1,499
Best Exercise Bike for Tall Riders with Peloton Peloton Bike $1,445

We provided a wide range — from $279.99 to $1,799 — in order to accommodate the budgets of as many tall riders as possible. And that is what all of these exercise bikes have in common — they can accommodate taller-than-average users. Of course, you should first ensure that you can comfortably use your bike, but also consider the features and capabilities that distinguish each option.

The LCD display on the Yosuda Indoor Cycling Bike.
The LCD display on the Yosuda YB001R.

Models closer to the low end of the price range might eschew fancy HD touchscreens for LCD displays that will track your metrics, but do little else. These options typically include some kind of device holder so you can supply the screen for streaming workouts on Apple Fitness+ or shows on Amazon Prime or Max. On the other hand, you may decide it’s worth the price bump to have an onboard screen and integrated fitness app to connect to WiFi and hop in a studio class or explore rides from around the world.

Benefits of Exercise Bikes for Tall Riders

The major benefit of the bikes we rounded up for this list is that they offer comfortable rides for taller-than-average athletes. As you may have experienced when shopping for new shoes or a suit, tall consumers aren’t always accounted for. Beyond being physically accommodating, these bikes offer a low-impact form of cardio exercise, as well as a way to improve your overall health.


If you’ve ever squeezed into a small Uber, or ducked under a low door frame, you may be aware most things are designed for the average user, not the outliers. A huge benefit for exercise bikes for tall riders is the fact that you can get your sweat on in comfort. Adjustable seat heights and handlebars help create some of the best cardio machines for tall users because the physical apparatus can be modified to accommodate you.  

Low-Impact Cardio

For those experiencing chronic back problems or joint issues, finding an appealing form of cardio that doesn’t require you to absorb impact can be a challenge. (6) Climbing aboard an exercise bike that can accommodate your height allows you to reap the benefits of cardio exercise without depending on your knees, ankles, or back to bear the burden of shock absorption. Beyond being an engaging and exciting form of cardio, regular exercise on an indoor cycle can support lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart disease. (7)

Health Benefits

All the best rowing machines, treadmills, and exercise bikes offer ways to improve your overall health, but the adjustability of indoor cycles make them uniquely positioned to suit the needs of taller users. Beyond the cardiovascular benefits, at least one study has shown that building muscles around joints like the knee can decrease the load on your cartilage. (8)

Our BarBend tester riding the NordicTrack S22i.
Our tester riding the NordicTrack S22i.

As our expert reviewer, Amanda Capritto, CPT, CES, CNC, CF-L1, CSNC, laid out, exercise bikes offer myriad health benefits. “Cycling brings an impressive collection of health benefits to the table: cardiovascular health, endurance, stamina, muscular endurance are all improved with cycling, to name a few.” (6)(7)

The benefits of cardiovascular exercise — lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease — have been well-researched, but the specific health benefits of indoor cycling are also plentiful. By itself, indoor cycling can increase your aerobic capacity, but in conjunction with a healthy diet it can help reduce cholesterol and support weight loss without losing muscle mass. (7)

Final Word

To effectively and comfortably enjoy the benefits of cycling, you don’t want to be hunched over the handlebars, putting undue stress on your back and joints. Fortunately, we have come across many exercise bikes for tall riders that can accommodate people up to 6 feet 6 inches. These models open the door for low-impact exercise, allowing users of all heights to access the bounty of health benefits regular cardio offers, like reduced risk of heart disease or lower blood pressure. (7)(9).

While aspects like resistance and build are important for any bike, we paid close attention to the adjustability of the seats and handlebars when we curated our list. You’ll still find the HD touchscreens, fitness app integration, and heavy flywheels. But without a frame large enough to support your frame, these features would be useless. No matter if you’re 4 feet 6 inches or 6 inches tall, these bikes can bring you the engaging indoor cycling experience you’re looking for.


What is the best exercise bike for tall riders?

The best bike for tall riders we have tested is the versatile NordicTrack S22i. Its seat stack has a 13-inch height range and the handlebars adjust vertically so you can comfortably take on iFIT workouts. Those workouts are even more engaging on the 22-inch HD touchscreen and with SmartAdjust, you won’t need to worry about fiddling with the resistance knobs or handlebar controls. Its 32-pound flywheel and belt drive system also make for smooth adjustments during a ride.

What is the best foldable exercise bike for tall people?

While we didn’t include a foldable option on this list, our favorite overall option is the FitNation Flex Bike Ultra. Many folding bikes can accommodate taller users, and you can see some of our favorite models on this list of the best folding exercise bikes.

How do I adjust my exercise bike to my height?

Most spin bikes feature adjustable seat stacks — the vertical column that raises and lowers the actual seat — and most also use a pin mechanism. Simply release the pin, adjust the seat post, then replace the pin at a different height. You can also adjust the handlebars to suit your reach, but these often have a more limited range than seats.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021b, September 10). FASTSTATS – body measurements. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/body-measurements.htm 
  2. CES. (2021, January 14). How to measure inseam for indoor bikes and rowers. Sunny Health and Fitness. https://sunnyhealthfitness.com/blogs/products/how-to-measure-inseam-for-indoor-bikes-and-rowers
  3. GirlBikeLove. (2023b, October 23). Rear vs. front flywheel exercise bikes: Is there any difference?. YouTube. https://youtu.be/-EsnFy1XGQE 
  4. Newman, K., Gibson, K., Zeller, H., Carter, S., and Joyce, B. (July 7, 2009). “Recumbent Exercise Bicycle for Low-Impact Rehabilitation of Obese Individuals.” ASME. J. Med. Devices. June 2009; 3(2): 027516.
  5. UK, H.-. (n.d.). What are the main hand positions when riding an exercise bike?. HomeFitnessCode. https://www.homefitnesscode.com/blogs/news/what-are-the-main-hand-positions-when-riding-an-exercise-bike 
  6. Dong, X., Li, C., Liu, J., Huang, P., Jiang, G., Zhang, M., Zhang, W., & Zhang, X. (2021). The effect of running on knee joint cartilage: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine, 47, 147–155.
  7. Chavarrias, M., Carlos-Vivas, J., Collado-Mateo, D., & Pérez-Gómez, J. (2019). Health Benefits of Indoor Cycling: A Systematic Review. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 55(8), 452.
  8. Sandmeier R. H. (2000). Osteoarthritis and Exercise: Does Increased Activity Wear Out Joints?. The Permanente Journal, 4(4), 26–28.
  9. Mersy D. J. (1991). Health benefits of aerobic exercise. Postgraduate medicine, 90(1), 103–112.


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The 7 Best Exercise Bikes Under $1,000 of 2024, Tested and Reviewed


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If you’ve got cash burning a hole in your pocket and you’re looking for the best exercise bikes that money can buy, we salute you. Congratulations on your wealth, please adopt me. As for those on a budget, you can still find a high-quality exercise bike without selling the farm. Quality exercise bikes under $1,000 exist, and many offer similar comforts to what you’ll find on big-ticket purchases, such as durable builds, Bluetooth compatibility, and the convenience of boosting aerobic capacity and burning calories from the comfort of your home. (1)

While introducing an indoor bike under $1,000 into your home can be a worthwhile investment, it’s important to understand your options in comparison to what you’re looking for. Do you need back support while you cycle? What kind of technology would help your training? How much space do you have available? Considering these questions, our team of testers spun our wheels on 30 of the market’s most popular exercise bikes to bring you our top seven choices for the best exercise bikes under $1,000. Here are our top picks.

The 7 Best Exercise Bikes Under $1,000 of 2024

About Our Expert

This article has been reviewed by Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, and CrossFit Level-1 Trainer. She reviewed the research we cite to help ensure we’re providing helpful, accurate descriptions and recommendations.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Exercise Bikes Under $1,000

The BarBend team is filled to the brim with triathletes, former D1 athletes, certified personal trainers, and home workout fanatics. Our jobs are fun. We comb the internet looking for the best exercise bikes, then try them out to see if they’re worth the hype. Our team has ridden on over 30 of the top exercise bikes in an effort to give you our honest feedback and opinion on what’s out there and if it’s worth your money.

To provide the clearest understanding of our testing methodology, we’ve scored categories such as footprint, tech capabilities, adjustability, and dynamic programming on a scale of 1 (that’s bad) to 5 (that’s good). Here are a few key areas we focused on when making our selections.


Investing in home gym equipment, even when it’s under $1,000, is costly, and if your purchase falls apart before you’ve gotten a satisfying amount of use from it, it can be heartbreaking. To help avoid this sort of devastation, we’ve opted for bikes with durable builds to protect your investment. When making our selections, we looked for tough frames forged from steel and other high-quality materials, as well as warranties that can protect your ride for years to come. When bikes on our list didn’t meet our standards, we made sure to note it.

We also kept our eye on user weight capacities, ensuring our choices could support a wide range of body types and sizes. The standard user weight capacity on exercise bikes is 300 pounds, but our list contains some options that support up to 330 pounds.

[Related: The 9 Best Exercise Bikes for Heavy People]


Exercise bikes can range anywhere from $150 up to more than $2,600. Our mission was to find the best bikes under $1,000 so that users operating within this budget could easily browse the best options in their price range. Value is really important to us, so we made sure to make note of how each bike’s price stacked up against its resistance capabilities, build, included features, and adjustability.

Intended Use

Upright, air, and recumbent bikes may all have similar functionality, but a customer’s fitness level, goals, and intended training will likely have an impact on which type of bike is best for them. You’ll find all of these bikes on our list, and it’s up to you to figure out which one is best suited to your needs and preferred style of training. 

Air bikes… engage the upper body, thus providing a full-body workout,” says BarBend’s expert reviewer, Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC. “Recumbent bikes allow people with mobility limitations or injuries to enjoy cycling, as they are reclined and take pressure off of the hips and back. [And] upright bikes are your typical stationary bikes, which are excellent for high-intensity exercise.” 

[Related: The 7 Best Air Bikes for Your Home Gym]

Best Overall Exercise Bike Under $1,000: Schwinn IC4

Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike

Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike

Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike

The Schwinn IC4 combines upper and lower body work with its included set of dumbbells and 100 levels of cycling resistance for a complete upper and lower body burn. Dial up your favorite streaming app and hop on, this bike is compatible with JRNY, Peloton, and Zwift.


  • Price: $899
  • Dimensions: 51.8’’ H x 54.6’’ L x 30.7’’ W
  • Weight: 112lbs
  • Resistance: 100 micro-levels of magnetic resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 330lbs


  • This top-notch bike has multiple adjustability options, a 40-pound flywheel, and 100 micro-levels of magnetic resistance.
  • Bluetooth capabilities allow users to connect this bike to third-party apps like Peloton, JRNY, and Zwift.
  • Hybrid pedals have clip-in capabilities for SPD cleats on one side and toe cages for sneakers on the other.


  • In lieu of an HD touchscreen, there is just an LCD display with basic metrics. 
  • This indoor cycling bike can pair with third-party apps, but connectivity can be limited for specific training metrics.

Strap on your cycling shoes with the $899 Schwinn IC4, our choice for the best overall exercise bike under $1,000. With four-way seat and handlebar adjustability, clip-in and toe cage pedals, and a 40-pound flywheel that supports smooth transitions across its 100 micro-levels of quiet magnetic resistance, this bike can suit any number of fitness goals. Value, durability, customizations, and adjustability all scored a 5 out of 5 with our tester Kate Meier, a certified personal trainer and BarBend editorial member.

Our tester riding the Schwinn IC4.
Our tester riding the Schwinn IC4.

This bike is a phenomenal deal at under $1,000, and you’re getting a lot for your money. The bike is sturdy and well-built, plus the tech features and conveniences are awesome,” Meier noted. “It also comes with a Bluetooth heart rate armband so you can get even more feedback on your training metrics while you ride.” This connectivity allows you to maintain a fat-burning heart rate zone or track your high-intensity intervals.

Bluetooth pairing capabilities allow users to connect this bike to apps like Peloton, JRNY, and Zwift, which you can then view from your smartphone or tablet stowed on the integrated device holder. However, tech capabilities scored a 4 out of 5. Depending on the app, some connectivity may be limited as detailed in the chart below.

Speed Power RPM Distance Heart Rate iOS or Android
Peloton No No Yes No No iOS
Zwift No Yes Yes No Yes, with a compatible HR monitor Both
Sufferfest Yes Yes Yes No Yes, with a compatible HR monitor  iOS
Rouvy Yes Yes Yes Yes, but may differ from console reading Yes, with a compatible HR monitor  Both

Meier gave customizations a 5 out of 5 score. “While there isn’t a built-in touchscreen to stream programming from, there is an LCD screen that allows me to digitally adjust my resistance by pushing up and down on the arrows.” 

Our BarBend tester adjusting the seat on the Schwinn IC4.
Our BarBend tester adjusting the seat on the Schwinn IC4.

Digital resistance adjustments help users know exactly what level they’re training at, as compared to some indoor bikes with manual turn-knob adjustments that keep users in the dark about their current level of resistance.

Meier also appreciated the stability of this bike while riding out of the saddle or using the included 3-pound dumbbells. “There wasn’t any shake during my ride,” she noted, “For how lightweight and compact this bike is, a 330-pound weight capacity is impressive.” Durability scored a 5 out of 5.

Read our full Schwinn IC4 Exercise Bike Review.

Best Air Bike Under $1,000: Assault AirBike Classic

Assault AirBike

Assault AirBike

The Assault AirBike is a moderately priced bike with a solid build that features a powder-coated steel frame. It’s an upright indoor bike with moving arms that’s designed to burn calories and integrate seamlessly into cross-training and interval workouts.


  • Price: $699
  • Dimensions: 50’’ H x 50.95’’ L x 23.34’’ W
  • Weight: 95.6lbs
  • Resistance: Air
  • Weight Capacity: 300lbs


  • This air bike is built to last with a powder-coated steel frame and 20 sealed cartridge bearings.
  • It has steel pegs on either side of the fan, allowing users to rest their feet and push and pull the moving arms for an upper-body workout.
  • The LCD display offers seven workouts and can connect to some wireless heart rate monitors.


  • This bike uses a chain-drive system, which can require more upkeep and maintenance than bikes with belt-drive systems.
  • Tech capabilities are limited — there’s no Bluetooth connectivity to pair with fitness apps or speakers to play your bops.

“Compared to regular bikes and indoor bikes, air bikes engage more of the body’s musculature due to the moving arms,” notes BarBend expert reviewer Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC. “They are great for high-intensity training as well as slow, steady recovery work.” The Assault AirBike Classic, with its durable, powder-coated steel frame and 20 sealed cartridge bearings, is one of the best air bikes we’ve tested, and its $699 price tag earned it a 4.5 out of 5 from our tester, a certified personal trainer.

The Assault AirBike Classic — the Elite is an upgrade from this model.
Jake using Assault AirBike.

Air bikes are widely used in CrossFit gyms due to their ability to utilize users’ arms and legs for full-body HIIT work. “It’s easy to hop on and get my workout in,” noted our tester, “and while there are a handful of workout programs on the LCD screen, I usually just use manual mode when riding.” Users can also choose to rest their feet on the steel pegs on either side of the fan to focus on their upper body by pushing and pulling on the handles.

“I promise you won’t be bored with the Assault Air Bike, but you might want to be tapping out after a few quick minutes,” notes Jake Herod, BarBend’s expert product tester in the below video review. 

The tech capabilities on air bikes tend to be lower than what you might find on spin bikes with large touchscreens and app integration. And while the LCD screen can’t pair with fitness apps, it can connect with some wireless heart rate monitors so you can keep a closer eye on your training metrics. Tech capabilities scored a 3 out of 5.

This affordable, sub-$1,000 price tag does come with a catch in the form of its chain-drive system. “Chain drives, as seen on the Assault Bike series, are noisier and require more frequent maintenance,” notes Capritto. Assault Fitness recommends lubing up the chain four times a year, but this process only takes mere minutes to accomplish. 

program workout on assault airbike monitor
Jake adjusting Assault Fitness AirBike.

You won’t find a water bottle holder or speakers to play your jams from, which is why conveniences scored a 2 out of 5. But our tester concluded, “I’ve tried a lot of air bikes, and if I was in the market to buy one, it would be this one.”

Read our full Assault AirBike Classic Review.

Best Exercise Bike with Screen Under $1,000: NordicTrack Commercial VU 29

NordicTrack VU 29 Exercise Bike

NordicTrack VU 29 Exercise Bike

NordicTrack VU 29 Exercise Bike

This upright exercise bike offers automatic adjustments to the 24 levels of magnetic resistance, features a 19-pound flywheel, and is fully integrated with iFit and Google Maps™.


  • Price: $999
  • Dimensions: 55.29” H x 41.49” L x 24.86” W
  • Weight: 115lbs
  • Resistance: 24 levels of digital resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 325lbs


  • The 14-inch HD touchscreen is integrated with iFIT, allowing users to take thousands of on-demand studio classes and scenic rides.
  • The SmartAdjust feature on iFIT can automatically adjust the bike’s 24 levels of resistance to mimic real-world terrain during workouts.
  • Google Maps integration allows users to map out their riding course to travel anywhere across the globe.


  • A $39 a month iFIT subscription is necessary to utilize many features of this bike, such as the screen and SmartAdjust. 
  • The 19-pound flywheel is light, and might not provide as smooth a ride as flywheels over 30 pounds.
  • While the seat can adjust up and down, there’s no handlebar adjustments.

The best exercise bikes with screens help users immerse themselves in virtual studio classes and scenic rides around the world, but they often come at a hefty cost that can leave you slack-jawed. The price tag on the NordicTrack VU 29 is a bit easier to swallow, delivering 24 levels of magnetic resistance, a 325-pound user weight capacity, and a 14-inch HD touchscreen with iFIT integration for just $999. Tech capabilities and dynamic programming scored a 5 out of 5.

An iFIT membership grants you access to thousands of immersive virtual spin classes, as well as strength training and mobility classes you can take off the bike. iFIT is also integrated with Google Maps, allowing you to create your own riding route nearly anywhere in the world. 

iFIT is awesome,” said BarBend editorial member and certified personal trainer Kate Meier. “I did a workout in Hawaii and the views were gorgeous.” We also like iFIT’s SmartAdjust feature, which can automatically adjust your resistance based on your ride. “SmartAdjust took control of my resistance and really made me feel like I was climbing the hills I saw on screen,” said Meier. 

After a one-month free trial, an iFIT subscription will cost $39 a month, $396 a year for a family membership, or $180 a year for an individual plan. We think this subscription is necessary with this bike to make the most of its touchscreen and SmartAdjust capabilities. However, users who opt out of an iFIT subscription can still access a few iFIT workouts or choose to ride in manual mode.

An oversized cushioned seat, ergonomic foot pedals with adjustable straps, a built-in fan, and a 325-pound user weight capacity provide a comfortable and stable ride. The seat can adjust up and down, though we wish there was an option to tinker with the handlebars, which are in a fixed, nearly vertical position.

This 115-pound bike is one of the most portable and lightweight NordicTrack bikes, though this is partially due to the lightweight 19-pound flywheel, which is lighter than the 30- to 40-pound flywheels we like to see on exercise bikes. Lightweight flywheels can make transitioning through resistance levels less smooth, so we wouldn’t recommend this bike for serious cyclists looking to break PRs in speed trials.

Read our full NordicTrack VU 29 Exercise Bike Review.

Best Exercise Bike Under $1,000 for Small Spaces: Yosuda Magnetic Exercise Bike

Yosuda YB001R Magnetic Exercise Bike

Yosuda YB001R Magnetic Exercise Bike

Yosuda YB001R Magnetic Exercise Bike

This cost-effective exercise bike can offer excellent low-impact training sessions without breaking the bank. A 35-pound flywheel and belt drive system help operations run smoothly with each pedal, and there’s also a built-in LCD display to track your calories burned, speed, ride time, and distance.


  • Price: $439.99
  • Dimensions: 45’’ H x 40’’ L x 22’’ W 
  • Weight: 68lbs
  • Resistance: Magnetic
  • Weight Capacity: 270lbs


  • This Yosuda profile’s footprint is roughly 2 square feet smaller than the average bike we’ve tested.
  • At $439.99, this bike is well below the $500 to $1,500 average for exercise bikes. 
  • The 35-pound flywheel — only 3 pounds shy of what the Peloton Bike offers — is impressive for this price range.


  • Our tester noticed the seat cushion tearing after just a few rides.
  • Besides a basic LCD screen, this bike has limited tech features.

The Yosuda Magnetic Exercise Bike is one of the best exercise bikes for small spaces due to its compact footprint of just 6.11 square feet, which is roughly 2 square feet smaller than the average bike we’ve tested. The price is appealing, too — at $439.99, it’s well below the $500 to $1,500 average for upright spin bikes. Footprint, portability, and setup scored a 4 out of 5.

Our BarBend Tester riding the Yosuda YB001R exercise bike.
Our BarBend Tester riding the Yosuda YB001R exercise bike.

“This bike is pretty compact, so moving it around on the included transport wheels was easy for me,” noted our tester, a certified personal trainer. 

Often, budget bikes with compact footprints don’t support the kind of ergonomic fit you’ll find on larger and more expensive rides, so we were happy to find that the Yosuda has both a seat that’s adjustable four ways and handlebars capable of vertical adjustments, allowing for riders with a 25- to 35-inch inseam. 

In fact, our tester — who stands 6 feet 3 inches and has a size 13 shoe — had no trouble getting comfortable on the Yosuda. “The adjustability of the seat and toe cages helped me to get into a comfortable position,” they noted, scoring ergonomics a 3.5 out of 5.

The toe cages on the pedals of Yosuda YB001R.
The toe cages on the pedals of Yosuda YB001R.

Thanks to the 35-pound flywheel, just 3 pounds shy of the Peloton Bike’s flywheel, “the ride is smooth and super quiet,” mentioned our tester. While the tech is limited to a basic LCD screen, we appreciated the inclusion of a water bottle holder and tablet holder, which allows users to stream entertainment or classes from their mobile device

Durability scored a 2.5 out of 5. “This isn’t a bike that’ll last forever,” concluded our tester, who experienced some tears in the seat. Similarly, some customer reviews mentioned their pedals falling off and plastic parts breaking. However, for those looking for a budget-friendly ride, “it’s a good choice for beginners that won’t break the bank.”

Read our full Yosuda Exercise Bike Review.

Best Recumbent Bike Under $1,000: Schwinn 290

Schwinn 290 Recumbent Bike

Schwinn 290 Recumbent Bike

Schwinn 290 Recumbent Bike

This recumbent bike offers comfort and modern conveniences, highlighted by the padded and ventilated seat, Bluetooth connectivity for your devices, and a tablet holder for streaming.


  • Price: $999
  • Dimensions: 47” H x 66.4″ L x 28″ W  
  • Weight: 108lbs
  • Resistance: 25 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 330lbs


  • This recumbent bike’s padded seat and ventilated backrest offers added support for senior athletes or those with back pain or limited mobility.
  • An easy-to-reach media shelf can hold your phone or tablet so you can stream entertainment or classes while on your ride.
  • Bluetooth compatibility allows this bike to be paired with apps like JRNY and Zwift.


  • Those tight on space may take issue with this bike’s footprint of 12.91 square feet. 
  • The flywheel is only 8.16 pounds — well below what we’d recommend. 

The Schwinn 290 is our choice for the best recumbent bike under $1,000, as we like its reclined and ventilated backrest and Bluetooth compatibility. An updated version of the Schwinn 270, the 290 is now compatible with the JRNY app.

Recumbent bikes are often seen in physical therapy offices due to their ease of use and supportive reclined positioning. The 290’s padded seat, ventilated backrest, and step-through design can provide additional support for senior athletes, those struggling with back pain, or anyone with limited mobility. 

[Related: The 6 Best Recumbent Bikes for Seniors]

Its 7-inch LCD monitor delivers training metrics and comes pre-loaded with 13 programs to help you work up a sweat and develop a routine. While you won’t find a built-in touchscreen for streaming, it is compatible with Bluetooth so you can pair the bike with apps like JRNY and Zwift. Plus, the built-in media shelf can hold your mobile device while you stream classes or entertainment.

Our tester riding the Schwinn 230.
Our tester riding an earlier model, the Schwinn 230

The bike comes with a free 2-month membership to JRNY, an app with on-demand classes, scenic rides, and adaptive suggested workouts based on ability. JRNY tracks your progress and milestones,” noted our tester, a CrossFit Level 1 coach. “Plus, there are curated music playlists for your workouts — though I didn’t love the tunes.” 

After your trial, a JRNY mobile-only membership costs $11.99 a month or $99 for the year. However, some customers have struggled with this bike’s connectivity. One review noted, “…Despite several attempts, [I] cannot get JRNY installed, very disappointing.”

At 12.91 square feet, the 290 is a big piece of equipment — most recumbent bikes we’ve tested measure around 10 square feet. Also, the 8.16-pound flywheel is well below the 30- to 40-pound flywheels we like to see on exercise bikes at this price range. As such, we wouldn’t recommend this bike for serious cyclists or those looking to win any speed trials. 

However, it may be perfect for senior riders and individuals with back pain and mobility issues who are trying to stay active. 

One reviewer mentioned, “I recently had knee ligament replacement surgery. The Schwinn 290 is really helping with my knee flexion and leg strengthening. I find it easy to use and as effective if not more so than the high-end recumbent bikes at the gym.”

Read our full Schwinn 290 Recumbent Bike Review.

Best Budget Exercise Bike Under $1,000: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1002

Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike

Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike

Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycling Bike

This bike’s 49-pound flywheel is one of the largest we’ve seen on a consumer indoor cycle and will help you build momentum while keeping your ride smooth. The transport wheels are also large and durable, so you can move tip this bike and move it out of the way when your workout is over.


  • Price: $399
  • Dimensions: 44.8” H x 54” L x 19” W
  • Weight: 113lbs
  • Resistance: Friction
  • Weight Capacity: 275lbs


  • At just $399, this budget bike manages to have a 49-pound flywheel — one of the heaviest we’ve seen.
  • Four-way seat adjustability and two-way adjustable handlebars can accommodate riders between 5 feet 2 inches and 6 feet 1 inch.
  • This bike is so durable, I managed to roll it on its transport wheels a mile on city streets without any damage.


  • There’s no tech on this bike to help track training metrics.
  • It has no device holder for those who are interested in streaming classes and content from their phones or tablets.
  • Friction resistance, as compared magnetic resistance, requires more maintenance.

The Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002’s $399 price tag, heavy flywheel, and sturdy build are why it’s our pick for the best budget exercise bike under $1,000. When I was unemployed and looking for an affordable means to train for bike-camping expeditions, this bike caught my eye. I’ve owned this bike for the past three years and have ridden more than 1,000 miles on it. I scored its value a 5 out of 5.

Our BarBend Tester is shown riding the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002 exercise bike.
Our BarBend Tester is shown riding the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002 exercise bike.

The 49-pound flywheel is incredibly impressive for a bike at this price point — for comparison, the top-of-the-line Peloton Bike only has a 38-pound flywheel. A heavier flywheel helps to maintain momentum, similar to the ride experience on a road bike, and I’ve experienced nothing but smooth transitions during sprints and when I’ve increased the resistance out of the saddle. 

Cheaper products tend to have shorter life spans, but this bike is built to last. When I moved to a new apartment and didn’t want to take the bike apart to fit it into my car, I just tipped it onto its transport wheels and pushed it a mile down the road to my new spot. Durability and portability scored a 5 out of 5. 

[Related: The 8 Best Exercise Bikes for Beginners]

However, this bike uses a friction resistance system, so users will want to make sure to keep the flywheel greased and replace the leather friction pad when it wears out. I lube up the flywheel once a year and have yet to replace my friction pad.

Our tester adjusts the seat on a Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002
Our tester adjusts the seat on a Sunny Health and Fitness SF-B1002

Saving cash won’t come at the cost of an ergonomic fit with this bike’s adjustability, which I scored a 5 out of 5. The seat has four-way adjustability and the handlebars can move up and down. This allows access to riders between 5 feet 2 inches and 6 feet 1 inch. 

Before you get too excited, know that tech capabilities on this bike are non-existent, which may be good for beginners looking for a simple and quality ride. There is no touchscreen, no LCD display to track stats, and no Bluetooth connectivity. There isn’t even a media holder to stream content from your phone or tablet, though you could always invest in a $20 mount. Tech capabilities scored a 2 out of 5.

Best Smart Exercise Bike Under $1,000: Mobifitness Turbo Exercise Bike

Mobi Fitness Exercise Bike

Mobi Fitness Exercise Bike

Mobi Fitness Exercise Bike

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly exercise bike, you’ve found your match. Plus, this bike can support users up to 330 pounds.


  • Price: $220
  • Dimensions: 42.5” H x 44.5″ L x 20″ W
  • Weight: 92lbs
  • Resistance: 32 levels of magnetic resistance
  • Weight Capacity: 330lbs


  • This bike pairs with the free Mobi Fitness app to provide detailed training stats, spin classes, and gamified cycling you can view from your phone or tablet. 
  • Digitally control your resistance from the LCD screen dial control or through your Apple Watch.
  • The bike’s seat has six-way adjustability, including an option to tilt the seat up or down.


  • While the app doesn’t require a subscription (hooray!), the programming isn’t as vast or as entertaining as Peloton or iFIT.
  • The 1-year parts and 2-year frame warranty is worrisome compared to exercise bikes with 5- to 10-year warranties.

Smart home fitness technology has taken the world by storm, with Peloton, Tonal, and NordicTrack leading the charge for connected equipment that can power up your training. However, these types of machines often carry hefty price tags, limiting use to gazillionaires. At just $220, the Mobifitness Turbo Exercise Bike is our choice for the best smart exercise bike under $1,000 because of its free app, Bluetooth connectivity, sleek (smart) design, and 32 levels of quiet magnetic resistance. 

[Related: The Best Smart Home Gyms For Free Weights, Small Spaces, And More]

Our tester riding the Mobifitness Turbo Exercise Bike.
Our tester riding the Mobifitness Turbo Exercise Bike.

This bike pairs with the free Mobi Fitness app. A free app is rare in this space — most smart bikes come with apps that require a monthly subscription that tends to range between $19 and $44. “There isn’t a screen or tablet on this bike, but you can connect your phone or tablet to the app and to the bike for an integrated workout experience,” noted our tester, a CrossFit Level 1 coach, who gave tech capabilities a 3.75 out of 5. 

The Mobi Fitness app is available for iOS and Android, and it provides detailed training stats, workout plans, spin classes, and gamified cycling experiences. “This programming is pretty cool since it’s free, however, the class variety and quantity pales in comparison to something like Peloton,” our tester noted.

Our tester moving the Mobi Fitness Turbo Exercise Bike
Our tester moving the Mobi Fitness Turbo Exercise Bike

Of course, there’s plenty we like about the bike itself. It has 32 levels of magnetic resistance, for one, and you can control them via a digital dial or a connected Apple Watch. We also like that it can support riders up to 6 feet 5 inches thanks to two-way handlebar adjustments and six-way seat adjustments, which is more than we’ve seen on almost any bike. This seat can move vertically, horizontally, and can also tilt up and down. Customizations scored a 4.5 out of 5.

“This bike is super sturdy when I’m riding,” noted our tester, “but the 1-year warranty is worrisome, since who knows how well everything will hold up over time.” The 1-year parts and 2-year frame warranty are disappointing, but perhaps to be expected at this price point. Ideally,  we’d like to have seen something closer to a 5- or 10-year warranty. For this, durability scored a 3.75 out of 5.

What to Consider Before Buying an Exercise Bike Under $1,000

“First, you’ll need to decide what type of exercise bike you want: recumbent, upright (like a spin bike), or an air bike,” mentions Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC. After that, you’ll need to figure out what you want from your exercise bike and how much you’re willing to spend. Are you looking for Bluetooth connectivity to have better access to your training metrics? How much space do you have available to dedicate to a new piece of equipment? Percolate on these questions as you consider what to look for when buying an indoor cycle.

Floor Space

Even when you’re only considering your options, it’s important to know the amount of space you’re working with. We’ve provided dimensions for each of the exercise bikes on this list, so all you need to do is pull out your tape measure and measure your available floor space. This way you can be armed with the information you need to help you make a decision. 

Tech Capabilities 

“If [tech capabilities] are something you’re interested in, be prepared to shell out a significant amount of cash and also pay for a monthly subscription. Budget-friendly options are available, but comparatively lack in the tech department,” notes Capritto

Budget-friendly exercise bikes under $1,000 generally won’t provide the range of tech capabilities found on high-end models, but, despite lacking touchscreens of their own, many can link up with your mobile device to support app-based workouts. The bikes on our list provide options to connect and stream programming from apps like iFIT ($39/month), JRNY ($11.99/month), and Mobi Fitness (free!). 

Your Needs

Whether you’re looking to build strength in your legs with loads of resistance on a spin bike, or want to tackle some LISS training while recovering from an injury, bringing an exercise bike into your home provides convenience and accessibility to help tackle your goals. (2

Our BarBend tester tilting and rolling the Schwinn IC4.
Our BarBend tester tilting and rolling the Schwinn IC4.

Of course, some exercise bikes are more compatible than others. If you’re dealing with back pain or have limited mobility, a recumbent bike with a step-through design and a backrest would likely be a better fit than your standard upright bike. Air bikes, meanwhile, support a total-body workout with the addition of moveable arms, so those interested in CrossFit training or burning a few extra calories may be best served by a self-powered bike. 

Benefits of Exercise Bikes Under $1,000

“Cycling brings an impressive collection of health benefits to the table: cardiovascular health, endurance, stamina, muscular endurance are all improved with cycling, to name a few,” notes Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC. Here are some additional benefits of cycling that come along with bringing an exercise bike under $1,000 into your home. 

Time Efficient

Getting to the gym takes effort. Packing your gym bag, driving to and from the gym, parking, mingling with the front desk clerk who you’ve known for too long so you can’t ask them what their name is again — these can add up to turn your gym session into an entire chunk of your day. When you have an indoor bike sitting in your living room, you’re reclaiming your time by getting your cardio done in the time it takes to roll out of bed and hop on your ride. 

Low-Impact Cardio

When your knees and joints and back start begging you to take it easy during high-impact training sessions (i.e. running outdoors or on a treadmill), indoor cycling is here to save the day (and your body). (3) The low-impact cardio that indoor cycling can provide allows users to get moving and work up a sweat without placing a ton of force on the body. This type of exercise can boost aerobic fitness, tone and strengthen legs, and have positive effects on mood. (4)(5)

[Related: Running on a Treadmill Vs. Running Outside — Which Is Best for Your Goals?]

No Need to Leave the House

Riding a bike outside can be thrilling: seeing the sights, people watching as you cruise down busy streets, avoiding angry drivers who shout the sort of profanities that leave you lying awake at night wondering if you really are a “stupid t@$%! s*$& head!” Bringing an exercise bike into your home can help city dwellers avoid such incidents (and, you know, inclement weather).

An Assault AirBike is shown in a gym
Assault AirBike

Many people do not feel safe cycling outside,” says BarBend expert reviewer Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC., Indoor exercise bikes provide access to cycling no matter the weather or outdoor conditions.” And as someone who’s been doored and cursed at while riding around Los Angeles, my indoor bike is my sanctuary when I just don’t have the energy to face the city streets.

How Much Do Exercise Bikes Under $1,000 Cost?

The price range for exercise bikes is expansive, ranging from a few hundred dollars up to almost $3,000 for machines with screens, AI technology, and interactive programming. All of the bikes on our list come in under $1,000, with the higher-priced cycles providing heavy-duty builds and tech features like touchscreens and Bluetooth connectivity to cycling apps. The chart below provides a breakdown of our top choices and their prices.

Best Overall Exercise Bike Under $1,000 Schwinn IC4 $899
Best Air Bike Under $1,000 Assault AirBike Classic $699
Best Exercise Bike with Screen Under $1,000 NordicTrack Commercial VU $999
Best Exercise Bike Under $1,000 for Small Spaces Yosuda Magnetic Exercise Bike $439.99
Best Recumbent Bike Under $1,000 Schwinn 290 $999
Best Budget Exercise Bike Under $1,000 Sunny Health & Fitness SF B1002 $399
Best Smart Exercise Bike Under $1,000 Mobifitness Turbo Exercise Bike $220

The most affordable exercise bikes on our list vary. Some choices — like the Yosuda Magnetic Exercise Bike and Sunny Health & Fitness SF B1002 — are basic upright bikes with few bells and whistles. Interestingly, the Mobifitness Turbo exercise bike provides Bluetooth capabilities, but is one of the lowest-priced bikes here. However, its warranty is limited, which makes us wonder about how long this bike can withstand daily use.

The self-powered Assault AirBike Classic is a sturdy mid-range option, and its moving arms can help incorporate a total body-workout into your training routine. However, these types of bikes generally lack screens or options for dynamic programming.

[Related: The 7 Best Exercise Bikes with Moving Arms]

The NordicTrack Commercial VU is our only bike with a screen and integrated training with iFIT. However, this subscription will cost an additional $39 a month after a free 30-day trial. However, the Schwinn IC4 and 290 both offer Bluetooth capabilities and can pair with apps on your phone and tablet.

Types of Exercise Bikes Under $1,000

From upright spin bikes to air bikes to easy-on-the-joints recumbent bikes, we’ve got an option on this list that can give you the type of training you’re looking to do.

Upright Exercise Bike

Upright bikes are your typical stationary bikes, which are excellent for high-intensity exercise and tech-savvy cyclists who love to take fitness classes,” says BarBend expert reviewer Amanda Capritto, CPT, CF-L1, CES, CSNC. These bikes position the rider in either a vertical position or leaning forward over the handlebars, and they tend to allow the user to stand up out of their seat to mimic hill climbing.

A woman is shown holding the handles while riding a Schwinn Recumbent exercise bike
Schwinn 230 Recumbent Bike

These bikes usually have a weighted flywheel, and you’ll find magnetic or friction-based resistance offerings. Friction resistance can be less expensive, but it can also require more maintenance than magnetic resistance. 

Air Bike

Air bikes differ from recumbent and upright bikes in that they engage the upper body, thus providing a full-body workout,” notes Capritto. These bikes are often used in CrossFit gyms for their ease of use, the inclusion of upper and lower body work, and value as a high-intensity training tool. Air bikes tend to have few bells and whistles and, since they’re self-powered, don’t require electricity. 

Recumbent Exercise Bike

“Seniors and individuals with limited mobility may struggle to get on and off of a [standard] exercise bike, in which case a recumbent bike is recommended,” says Capritto. These bikes sit riders in a more reclined position and often feature larger seats and supportive backrests, so users can reap the benefits of cardio without the added stress to their backs and knees.

[Related: Best Recumbent Bikes for Small Spaces, Streaming, Seniors, and More]

Final Word

No matter your fitness level, there’s an exercise bike under $1,000 to help you reach your goals. Our top choices offer a variety of features, from Bluetooth capabilities to touchscreens with integrated programming. While these bikes are less expensive than some higher-end options, pulling the trigger on a purchase can still be nerve-wracking. We’ve made sure to note weight limit, intended use, dimension, resistance type, and other key features so you’re armed with the information to help you make the right decision. 

Before buying an exercise bike, users should consider the type of riding they’d like to do. Do you need added back support to create a more comfortable cycling experience? Will tech features aid your training? Are you looking for an option that can incorporate your arms and legs for a total-body workout? As you uncover the answers to these questions, peruse our list to see which bike best suits you.


What is the best exercise bike under $1,000?

While there are many great options on this list, our top choice is the Schwinn IC4. This spin bike has a 40-pound flywheel and provides 100 micro-levels of resistance. While it lacks a screen or tablet to stream programming, you can pair this bike with apps like Peloton and Zwift and pedal along to content from your own device.

Are exercise bikes under $1,000 worth it?

Yes! We’ve tried and tested these options and wouldn’t recommend something we thought wasn’t worth your money. However, these options may not provide all of the training intensity, dynamic programming, or tech features you’re after, so users will need to know what they’d like from their bike while cross-referencing this list.

What are the negatives of an exercise bike under $1,000?

While you can expect to save some cash when compared to options that can cost upwards of $2,000, there are some downsides to a sub-$1,000 exercise bike. While every bike has different offerings, keep an eye on warranties, tech capabilities, and touchscreens, as these are the primary things we’ve noticed lacking in bikes at this price range.


  1. Chavarrias, M., Carlos-Vivas, J., Collado-Mateo, D., & Pérez-Gómez, J. (2019). Health Benefits of Indoor Cycling: A Systematic Review. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania), 55(8), 452. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina55080452
  2. Rissel, C., Passmore, E., Mason, C., & Merom, D. (2013). Two pilot studies of the effect of bicycling on balance and leg strength among older adults. Journal of environmental and public health, 2013, 686412. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/686412
  3. Sandmeier R. H. (2000). Osteoarthritis and Exercise: Does Increased Activity Wear Out Joints?. The Permanente Journal, 4(4), 26–28.
  4. Engels, H. J., Drouin, J., Zhu, W., & Kazmierski, J. F. (1998). Effects of low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise training with and without wrist weights on functional capacities and mood states in older adults. Gerontology, 44(4), 239–244. https://doi.org/10.1159/000022018
  5. Ligeza, T. S., Maciejczyk, M., Wyczesany, M., & Junghofer, M. (2023). The effects of a single aerobic exercise session on mood and neural emotional reactivity in depressed and healthy young adults: A late positive potential study. Psychophysiology, 60(1), e14137. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14137


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Weightlifter Hou Zhihui (49KG) Sets 97KG Snatch World Record at 2024 IWF World Cup


Zhihui is all but confirmed to represent China at 49 kilograms during the 2024 Olympic Games.

Team China is in top form. With only a few short months until the 2024 Paris Olympics, the most dominant weightlifting team in the world — thanks to athletes like 49-kilogram Hou Zhihui — is putting on a show at the 2024 IWF World Cup.

Zhihui set a new world record in the snatch of 97 kilograms, or 213.8 pounds, on Apr. 1, 2024, on the second day of competition in Phuket, Thailand.

[Related: The Best Weightlifting Belts You Can Buy]

Zhihui confirmed her ticket to Paris with a stellar performance in Phuket. Here’s a breakdown of her best lifts:

The 49-kilogram 2020 Olympic Champion made a truly enormous jump from her 113-kilogram first attempt to set a career best in the clean & jerk. However, Zhihui placed second overall at the Cup behind North Korean athlete Ri Song Gum. Gum set a world record in the Total with 221 kilograms.

[Related: Why Can’t North Korea Compete in Weightlifting at the 2024 Olympics?]

China vs. China

For weightlifters in most countries, the pathway to the Paris Olympics involves breaking into the top 10 on the International Weightlifting Federation’s (IWF) ranking leaderboards. But for Zhihui and other Chinese weightlifters, the real competition lies within the team itself.

China, like every other country, may only send three female athletes (and three males) to compete in the five Paris-recognized weight classes. For the majority of the 18-month qualification period, Zhihui has narrowly trailed behind teammate Jiang Huihua.

[Related: 5 of the Greatest Weightlifting Battles of All Time]

Here’s an illustration of the two Chinese womens’ Totals across a number of major events throughout the qualification period:

The Women’s 49-kilogram event at the World Cup was, quite literally, Zhihui’s final attempt. Her phenomenal snatching, along with an exceptionally gutsy performance with the barbell during the clean & jerks, will deliver Zhihui to, likely, her second Olympic gold medal.

More Weightlifting Content

Featured Image: @atginsta on Instagram


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Weightlifter Ri Song Gum (49KG) Sets 221KG Total World Record at 2024 IWF World Cup


Gum is helping North Korea run the table in the women’s lightweight divisions.

North Korean weightlifters may not be eligible for the 2024 Olympic Games, but that isn’t stopping the People’s Republic from rewriting the record books. On Apr. 1, 2024, during the Women’s 49-kilogram event at the 2024 IWF World Cup, Ri Song Gum did just that.

Gum, the world record holder in the clean & jerk, advanced her own Total world record from 220 to 221 kilograms (487.2 pounds) in the process of winning the event outright.

[Related: Why Can’t North Korea Compete in Weightlifting at the 2024 Olympics?]

The weightlifting Total is the combined value of an athlete’s best snatch and clean & jerk. Here’s a breakdown of Gum’s performance on the day:

Gum’s 97-kilogram snatch equaled that of Chinese athlete Hou Zhihui, who claimed the world record with that lift. That world record belongs to Zhihui because she hit it first during the event.

Gum also took a truly gutsy attempt at 126 kilograms in the clean & jerk to advance her own world record there, which currently stands at 125, but she was narrowly unsuccessful.

In Context

Since the People’s Republic of Korea (PRK) returned to the international weightlifting scene in 2023 (after a four-year hiatus), they’ve been on an absolute tear. With the exception of Zhihui’s 97-kilogram snatch, PRK women own every single world record in the 45, 49, and 55-kilogram divisions.

Gum’s 125-kilogram world record clean & jerk sits a full five kilograms above what any other woman has ever jerked in that category. It’s also five kilograms more than the Women’s 48-kilogram world record clean & jerk — a weight class that was founded in 1998 and existed until 2018.

PRK weightlifters may be ineligible for Paris 2024, but weightlifting was recently confirmed to be held at Los Angeles 2028. If Gum stays in the game until the next Olympics, she’s a safe bet for the podium.

More Weightlifting News

Featured Image courtesy of Weightlifting House


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Aimee Leann Delgado Wins 2024 San Diego Championships Pro Bikini Division Show


Delgado picked up another pro show win and Olympia qualification.

IFBB Pro League Bikini competitor Aimee Leann Delgado has her first pro win of the 2024 season. She scored gold at the 2024 San Diego Championships Pro in San Diego, CA, on March 30, 2024.

The Bikini division show featured 16 IFBB Pro League athletes. Tara Grier won silver and Kimberly Bonilla won bronze. The final order of finish is below:

2024 San Diego Championships Pro Results

  1. Aimee Leann Delgado (United States)
  2. Tara Grier (United States)
  3. Kimberly Bonilla (United States)
  4. Alyssa Blessing (United States)
  5. Ariel Barley (United States)
  6. Noel Zayour (United States)
  7. Brittany Gillespie (United States)
  8. Judy Son (United States)
  9. Erika Devera (United States)
  10. Cherrylyn Ibanez (United States)
  11. Shantal Barros (United States)
  12. Anya Nicholson (United States)
  13. Bridget Bailey (Australia)
  14. Olena Okanovic (United States)
  15. Jacki Hansen (United States)
  16. Alexandra Leeper (United States)

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Winner — Aimee Leann Delgado

Delgado was a breakout star in 2023, scoring five pro wins. She started out her 2024 season with a narrow second-place rank to Lauralie Chapados at the 2024 Bikini International in Columbus, OH.

Delgado received a perfect score from the judges at the 2024 San Diego Championships Pro and left the stage with a qualification for the 2024 Bikini Olympia in Las Vegas, NV, on Oct. 10-13, 2024. Should Delgado step on the 2024 Olympia stage, she will aim to improve upon her sixth-place finish from 2023.

Delgado confirmed she will compete at the 2024 Wasatch Warrior Pro event on April 20, 2024, in Salt Lake City, UT.

Second Place — Tara Grier

This was Grier’s second straight runner-up finish. She also scored silver behind Vania Auguste at the 2024 Bikini International UK in Birmingham, England on March 16, 2024. Grier must still win a pro show to qualify for the 2024 Olympia. She has until Sept. 15, 2024, to do so.

Third Place — Kimberly Bonilla

This was Bonilla’s 2024 season debut and her second pro show. She placed fifth at the 2023 GRL PWR Pro event in her debut. She received unanimous third-place votes on the scorecards.

Other Notes

This was one of two pro Bikini shows that occurred on March 30, 2024. The other was the 2024 Klash Series Championships in Orlando, FL, won by Alexandra Vattahauer.

The next IFBB Pro League Bikini division show is the 2024 TW Pro on April 4-5, 2024, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

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The 5 Best Bench Press Programs to Help You Lift More


Everyone likes to bench — us included. But let’s be honest, unless you’re a beginner, you won’t get far by waltzing into the gym, loading up a barbell, and mindlessly pounding away at set after set. 

To build strength, gain muscle, you need a bench press program. The right programming style can help you increase your bench press, pack mass onto your pecs, and provide the structure you need to excel in the gym. Here are five of our picks for the types of bench press programs you can use: 

Best Bench Press Programs

  1. Starting Strength
  2. Block Periodization
  3. 5/3/1
  4. Daily Undulating Periodization
  5. Concurrent

About the Experts

This article was originally published by Eric Bugera, a veteran coach and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). On Mar. 28, 2024, it was reviewed and updated for accessibility by BarBend Senior Writer Jake Dickson.

1. Starting Strength

Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength is a great introductory strength training program designed to take advantage of a “young” training age. Being new to lifting usually means a rapid (and borderline unfair) speed of progress. The Starting Strength program harnesses frequent increases in bar weight to speed the trainee through their “newbie gains” as quickly as possible. 

The Workout

A person performing the deadlift exercise.

[Read More: The Untold History of the Barbell]

Starting Strength is a full-body, barbell-centric linear training program. While linear progressions can be implemented for a reasonable amount of time, the overarching goal is to acquire the easy, early gains from strength training without adhering to classical periodization tenets that may be obtrusive to new trainees. 

Starting Strength builds full-body strength utilizing two workouts performed three days per week in alternating fashion.

Workout A: 

Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 3 5
Bench Press 3 5
Deadlift 1 5

Workout B:

Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 3 5
Press 3 5
Deadlift 1 5

For example:

Week 1

Day Workout
Monday Workout A
Wednesday Workout B
Friday Workout A

Week 2

Day Workout
Monday Workout B
Wednesday Workout A
Friday Workout B

Why We Like It: “I ran Starting Strength myself early in my lifting career and loved it,” Dickson says of the program. He notes that Starting Strength’s selling point is its simplicity, serving as a great introduction to periodization for beginners. 

2. Block Periodization

A natural next step once newbie gains have been exhausted is to begin dabbling in periodization models. Periodization means that a structure behind set, repetition, and weight selection is in place to ensure you won’t get overwhelmed by increased workout difficulty that may outpace your ability to recover. Block periodization is one example of implementing a periodized approach.

The Workout

A person performing the barbell bench press exercise in their bench press program.

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One form of block periodization increases the weight lifted per session while decreasing the number of repetitions. This style requires a more experienced trainee to know (or estimate) their 1-repetition maximum (1RM) on the bench press to program their workouts accurately. 

Block periodization applies to the bench press (or other major compound exercises) specifically, leaving ample room to tailor a custom workout around the other exercises you may also need to see progress.

Week Sets Reps
Week 1 3 12 with 65% of 1-rep max
Week 2 3 10 with 70% of 1-rep max
Week 3 3 8 with 75% of 1-rep max
Week 4 3 6 with 80% of 1-rep max
Week 5 3 5 with 85% of 1-rep max
Week 6 3 3 with 90% of 1-rep max
Week 7 3 1 with 92.5% of 1-rep max
Week 8 2 1 with 95% of 1-rep max

Why We Like It: Dickson remarks that block periodization is ideal for folks who want to beef up their bench press, but hate performing the exact same workouts over and over. This type of program adjusts your intensity and reps on a weekly basis, which adds diversity to your workouts. 

3. 5/3/1

Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program is a no-frills brute strength program designed around the squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press. The major selling point is that it takes the guesswork out of your programming similar to Starting Strength but accounts for a more advanced trainee’s necessity to recover more between workouts.

The Workout

[Read More: The Lifter’s Guide to Progressive Overload]

5/3/1 is a weekly undulating periodization program that changes the load and volume of each exercise progressively over three weeks before allowing for a deload (lighter) week. As straightforward as it seems, it is recommended that you do not deviate from the main and accessory lift prescriptions, as it is tightly calibrated to do one thing — make you brutally strong.

A person doing the bench press, following one of the bench press programs.

Note: All %1RM calculations are actually based on 90% of your true one-rep-max. This is referred to as a “training max,” a weight you could reliably hit on most days in the gym.

Week 1:

5 repetitions at 65% of training max
5 repetitions at 75% of training max
5+ repetitions at 85% of training max

Week 2:

3 repetitions at 70% of training max
3 repetitions at 80% of training max
3+ repetitions at 90% of training max

Week 3:

5 repetitions at 75% of training max
3 repetitions at 85% of training max
1+ repetition at 95% of training max.

Week 4: 

5 repetitions at 40% of training max
5 repetitions at 50% of training max
5 repetitions at 60% of training max

Why We Like It: “This is a stellar pick for anyone with a few years of lifting experience,” Dickson says. He believes that 5/3/1 can serve as a great “bridge” between beginner programs and more involved forms of periodization. 

4. Daily Undulating Periodization

Daily undulating periodization places frequency at the forefront of your bench press training. Many people may benefit from increased frequency to help pack on muscle or improve strength on the bench press, yet stick to programs that have them benching only once per week. 

That isn’t to say it doesn’t work, but increasing frequency could play a big role in breaking bench press plateaus by increasing proficiency and building more upper body muscle at the same time.

The Workout

A person performing the incline barbell bench press

[Read More: The Best Weight Benches on the Market]

A daily undulating program does not have to be complex. A simple example could be training your bench press heavy, medium, and light once per week for a total of three workouts. 

While the bench press volume may be increased over the course of the week relative to other programs, it should still leave plenty of room for you to structure other exercises into your days to account for building a well-rounded training session.

Day Sets Reps
Day 1 (medium) 5 5
Day 2 (light) 3 12
Day 3 (heavy) 3 3

Note: Medium, light, and heavy refer to the intensity relative to your one-rep-max. Effort should still be relatively high on a set-by-set basis since you’re performing different rep ranges. 

Why We Like It: “DUP” plays to the strengths of periodization. By varying the stimulus every session, your workouts will never feel stale, and you can build up strength while also adding muscle mass or improving your endurance. “In my experience, DUP is extremely sustainable long-term for most people,” says Dickson. 

5. Concurrent

Another programming method is the concurrent style of training — where multiple goals are pursued within the same session. Where in strength-orientated programming, you may train the bench press using heavier weights almost exclusively, concurrent training methods would see you train the bench press for strength before training the chest itself through a range of muscle-building exercises. These are also some of the guiding principles found in many power-building routines.

The Workout

A man in a grey t-shirt that reads "BarBend" on it performs cable flyes in a power rack.

[Read More: The Best Cable Machines on the Market]

To create a concurrent-style of program, first, choose a periodization method to guide your bench press routine. From there, add in additional exercises prioritizing chest size and strength to complement the bench press, such as dumbbell presses or pec flyes. 

Oftentimes, these workouts start with heavier weights before stacking many more sets, repetitions, and moderate training loads to fully train the chest across a spectrum of challenges within the same day. 

Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 3 5 with 85% of 1RM (block periodization style)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10
Cable or Machine Flye 3 12
Push-ups 2 AMRAP

Why We Like It: Dickson recommends concurrent programming for anyone who wants to do more than just get strong on the bench press. This style of program is ideal for powerbuilders or athletes in the off-season. 

Bench Press Alternatives

If your goal is to lift heavier weights in the bench press, you’re going to have to perform the bench press. However, many of the principles and programs outlined apply to other exercises that may provide a better mind-muscle connection, be less aggravating on your joints, or be more fun to train. 

So, if you don’t want to bench with the bar, no worries, we’ve got you covered. Here are some alternatives to the bench press you can do — bear in mind, though, that the programs outlined in this article are designed for the barbell bench. If you swap these alternatives in, you may have to tweak things on the fly. 

Dumbbell Bench Press 

A person using dumbbells in doing bench presses.

[Read More: The Best Dumbbells for Any Budget and Fitness Goal]

Performing the bench press movement with dumbbells is the closest cousin to the iconic barbell lift. Separate, independent movement of the arms allows for a more personalized technique and may be more comfortable on the shoulders or elbows. However, even a good pair of adjustable dumbbells are not as acutely loadable as a barbell, so certain progression pathways may not work as well. 

Incline Bench Press 

A person performing the incline barbell bench press exercise.

Whether with a barbell or set of dumbbells, the incline bench press is a phenomenal upper chest builder. The inclination of the bench can slightly — or significantly, if that’s your cup of tea — alter the resistance path and resulting training response. The incline bench can fit into a standard bench program if you’re after more upper pec development or stronger delts. Note, though, that you will not be able to lift as much absolute weight.

Weighted Dip

A person performing the weighted dip exercise.

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The weighted dip is a significant step up in difficulty from the calisthenics classic performed on a set of gymnastics bars or at a machine station. It is possible to apply linear or undulating progression blueprints to this exercise, but many external variables may impede smooth, consistent progress. That said, a set of dips with one or two weight plates attached to your waist will definitely turn heads at the gym.

How Getting Stronger Works

Strength is an expression of full-body coordination and force production. During the bench press, your prime movers (your chest, triceps, and shoulders) must be able to exert force to move the barbell.

But gaining strength is as much about your mind as it is your body. When you lift heavy weights consistently over time, your central nervous system (CNS) adapts to the demand, becoming more efficient at coordinating things like muscle contraction and joint stability.

[Read More: Read Up on These 9 Proven Benefits of the Bench Press]

Getting strong requires a long-term commitment to technical practice and moderate to heavy loading to accomplish those two tasks. If a strong bench press (or big chest) is your goal, committing to the exercise for the long haul — along with having plenty of patience — is a must.

Benefits of Doing the Bench Press

As with most barbell exercises, many of the benefits of successfully performing the bench press are actually achieved by the work you do to become a good bencher in the first place. Benefits such as improved mobility, joint stability, and upper body size and strength are all involved in building the bench press, and bleed into other aspects of your fitness.

Improved Mobility

To perform the bench press successfully and for a long enough time to see real progress, you must first gain the required hip, trunk, and shoulder mobility to perform the best possible bench press technique. This often requires the addition of hip flexor, pec and lat, thoracic spine, and shoulder warm-up drills to be involved in bench press training and thus carries over to many other exercises.

Increased Joint Stability

Being strong is intimately tied to the ability to stabilize your body through only one range of motion — that of the bench press. Having adequate joint stability is necessary to prevent plateaus in the bench press from elbows and wrists losing position, or the legs wobbling around uncontrollably during hard attempts.

Improved Upper Body Size and Strength

Everyone who has a strong bench press, and thus a strong chest, has probably realized that to keep seeing progress, they need to build more muscle. Ultimately, a bigger torso (back, shoulders, arms, and chest) gained by building the upper body musculature translates into a bigger bench by cushioning the joints and providing more muscle to produce force. 

Types of Progression

Increasing strength and size is not an accident. Applying structured intensification to a training program helps to ensure that steady progress can be made while limiting risk of injury or plateau.

[Read More: How Much Does a Barbell Weigh?]

There are several methods of periodization, all of which modify total sets, repetitions, or load prescriptions for your main exercises (in this case, the bench press) over time. 

Linear Periodization

Linear periodization is the most fundamental method of progression. It calls for an increase in repetitions with the same load week over week, or, an increase in load with the same repetitions. It is well-suited for beginners or trainees who enjoy simplicity in their programs.

Non-linear / Undulating Periodization

Unlike linear periodization, non-linear or undulating periodization often requires a change of multiple training variables (sets, repetitions, or load) week over week or even within the same week. 5/3/1 is an example of undulating periodization, and fluctuations in loading parameters can be especially useful once you’ve got a few years of training under your belt.

Block Periodization

Block periodization for strength training typically involves two to four week “blocks” of workouts designed around specific, progressive parameters. Often, the training emphasis per block flows from hypertrophy to strength and finally peaking. Block periodization is particularly applicable to anyone preparing for a competition or interested in testing their strength in the gym.

Final Word 

Strength development may seem like a far-off goal with many winding roads. However, it is better to think of the various methods or programs as tools in a toolbox. The key difference, though, is that no individual program or principle is a Swiss army knife.

If you want to build a herculean bench press or grow your pecs to rival Arnold, picking the right workout program is the first step on your journey. Once you’ve planned out where you’re going, all that remains is to hit the gas pedal. 


What muscles does the bench press work?

The bench press primarily engages your chest, shoulders, and triceps. But it’s a fantastic overall upper-body exercise.

How can you increase your bench press?

The best way to bench more is to bench more. But in seriousness, a good bench press powerlifting program will do the trick. Programs take the guesswork out of the equation and guide you on how much weight to lift, how often, and for how many sets and reps. 

What is the best bench press routine?

The “best” bench press workout routine is the one that you can stick to and follow through to completion. Any structured program should work, provided it is suitable for your experience level. No matter which bench plan you choose, the most important factor is adhering to it from start to finish. 


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Opinion: Long-Length Partial Reps Are Overrated for Bodybuilding


At my gym, (and probably at yours, too) there’s an older gentleman who spends his workouts idling on various machines, performing quarter-range-of-motion everything before heading home. Good on him for staying active. I would have scoffed at his “suboptimal” technique in years past. 

But in 2024, this individual is an evidence-based, scientifically optimized muscle-building Gigachad. Long-length partials — let’s call them LLPs — are the hottest thing in bodybuilding since Chris Bumstead.

long length partials bodybuilding meme

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But just like the feeling that washes over me on the rare occasion my phone lights up with a notification saying I finally got a new match on Hinge, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The dialogue around LLPs is too good to be true. I’m going to go ahead and hollow out the hype: long-length partial reps are overrated.

What Are Long-Length Partials?

LLPs are regarded as the next big thing in muscle-building science, thanks to a growing body of research and a robust press tour from creators and academics like Milo Wolf. Dr. Wolf is a researcher whose doctoral thesis (1) concerned the hypertrophy and strength effects of training your muscles in stretched (or lengthened) positions. 

Speaking to Dr. Mike Israetel, Wolf defined LLPs as: “…partial reps [of resistance training exercises] performed at longer average muscle lengths.” In more practical terms, Wolf urges you to imagine the bottom half of a biceps curl

When your elbow is fully bent, your biceps are contracted and shortened. As you open your arm, your biceps stretch out against the weight of whatever you’re holding. That’s where the magic happens. Simple enough. 

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You can find Wolf all over fitness podcasts singing the praises of LLPs, while thought leaders like Dr. Israetel and Jeff Nippard have pounced on the concept because it’s new. And shiny. And converts nicely into clickable content (BarBend isn’t innocent here either). And, in fairness, the (2) evidence (3) does (4) exist. (5)

Exercise science literature usually plays things pretty close to the chest — lots of “compelling but inconclusive” or “we think this works for some people sometimes, but only under these specific conditions.” Academia may be endorsing LLPs with more zest than usual, but that doesn’t mean we should all stop locking out our knees and elbows during our bodybuilding workouts or only perform bottom-half reps.

Why They’re Overrated

I get why Wolf & Co. are so excited. Sports science isn’t exactly an emerging field of study; the bulk of what works for muscle-building was discovered years back, and while there’s nuance to how to build muscle, it’s mostly settled law. Anyone who says otherwise probably wants to sell you something.

LLPs are very promising, but you’re wise to be wary of any individual or group that will bat a little too hard for any idea. The current discourse surrounding lengthened-partial training tends to ignore some of its limitations: 

  1. They may not work for every muscle.
  2. The magnitude of change is small.
  3. Peak muscle contractions are important for bodybuilders.
  4. Full range of motion training has unique benefits

I don’t want to give the impression that Drs. Wolf & Israetel, or any other prominent evidence-based voice in the bodybuilding space, might be turning a blind eye to the limitations of LLPs.

To their credit, these guys habitually argue against themselves in the spirit of intellectual honesty, or are candid about where lengthened-partial training falls short. Swords sheathed? Good, let’s dig in.

They May Not Work for Every Muscle

Plenty of studies sing the praises of LLPs, but other research has presented conflicting findings, particularly regarding how individual muscles or muscle groups respond to the technique.

  • In 2020, Nunes et al. investigated the effects of long vs. short-length training with the preacher curl. In the abstract, they say, “hypertrophy was similar…whether torque emphasis was carried out in the final or initial degrees of the range of motion.” (6)
  • Stasinaski & colleagues carried out a similar study on the triceps muscle in 2018: “These results indicate that muscle strength and architecture of elbow extensors adapt similarlyat either long or short fascicle length.” (7)

Dr. Wolf, who is much more educated and informed on exercise science literature than myself, addressed the limitations of the Stasinaski paper on social media. You can find that here.

It’s premature to declare that LLPs work wonders for all of your muscles, all of the time. In fairness, lengthened partials (or long-duration loaded stretches) might work exceptionally well for the calf muscles. (3)(8) There appears to be variability in both directions.

The Amount of “Extra” Growth Is Small

Remarking on the magnitude of most existing LLP studies, Wolf credits the technique with increasing hypertrophy outcomes by about 3 to 8% compared to using a full range of motion (ROM). In the context of a single study or if you’re a rank beginner, an eight-percent increase can be pretty spectacular. In the real world, it might not be worth your time.

This isn’t to say that any proponent of lengthened partials deliberately obfuscates their merit. No sane person, whether they have a microphone at their lips or not, would suggest that utilizing LLPs will turn you into the next Mr. Olympia

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It’s just something to keep in mind — the technique does appear to move the needle, but banging out some lengthened partials won’t supercharge your muscle-building endeavors, especially if you’ve got a half-baked training plan, recover like crap, or don’t eat properly in the first place. 

Peak Contractions Are Important for Bodybuilders

Shortened partials or emphasizing the “peak contraction”, as Dr. Israetel regards it, may be physiologically subpar for hypertrophy, but doing so is still valuable for any competitively-inclined bodybuilder

One common bodybuilding cue during the lat pulldown is to pretend to perform a back-double-biceps pose as you execute each rep. If you only do the first half of the range of motion, you skip opportunities to practice and demonstrate muscular control.

Do you need to fully contract your pecs during machine chest flyes to know how to perform the “most-muscular” pose? Of course not. But you can’t tell me with a straight face that squeezing your pecs together on chest day — along with the pump it provides — isn’t one of the best feelings in bodybuilding.

Should you bin LLPs altogether just to savor the ecstasy of a pumped-up posing session? Hard telling, but probably not. It’s just something to consider.

Full Range of Motion Training Has Other Benefits

Bodybuilding is about growing as much muscle as possible. But most of us don’t train under the supervision of professional coaches or in a laboratory setting where it’s reasonable to analyze or pursue one adaptation while ignoring others.

In simpler terms, even if you’re a bodybuilder, you’re still lifting weights, and full-ROM resistance training provides all sorts of tangential benefits that inadvertently help you put on mass. Studies tend to show that strength gain is specific to range of motion; if you only perform the bottom half of a bench press, your lockout strength will undoubtedly suffer come max-out day. (2)(9)(10

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Furthermore, deliberately omitting a portion of your ROM probably isn’t conducive to joint integrity and postural control. Who wants to lose confidence in their ability to hold something heavy overhead because it’s a single-digit percentage “better” to only do the first half of the shoulder press

Never mind that arbitrarily cutting your range of motion short (or long, in this case) makes it more difficult to track progress. When you train with a full ROM, the “start” and “end” of each repetition are clearly defined; on the bench, touch your chest and then lock your elbows. This makes it easy to standardize and measure your strength.

A Measured Approach

Long-length partials are quite compelling on paper. In practice, diving headfirst into a training technique that endorses not mastering a full range of motion isn’t wise. If your favorite content creators want you to implement LLPs throughout your bodybuilding program, go for it. You might eke out a bit of extra muscle.

But take a measured, practical approach — bottom-halving your bench presses may be scientifically optimal or whatever, but from the outside, it kind of looks like a new flavor of ego-lifting. If you ever want to compete in a powerlifting meet, you’ll have a lot of ground to make up. 

Remember: Science is meant to inform, discover, guide, and rationalize. It’s not religious dogma. Hell, Tommy Lee Jones said it best almost three decades ago in Men In Black:

“Fifteen hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat.

Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow.” 


  1. Wolf, M., Androulakis-Korakakis, P., Fisher, J., Schoenfeld, B., & Steele, J. (2023). Partial Vs Full Range of Motion Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 3(1). 
  2. Pedrosa, G. F., Lima, F. V., Schoenfeld, B. J., Lacerda, L. T., Simões, M. G., Pereira, M. R., Diniz, R. C. R., & Chagas, M. H. (2022). Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths. European journal of sport science, 22(8), 1250–1260. 
  3. Kassiano, W., Costa, B., Kunevaliki, G., Soares, D., Zacarias, G., Manske, I., Takaki, Y., Ruggiero, M. F., Stavinski, N., Francsuel, J., Tricoli, I., Carneiro, M. A. S., & Cyrino, E. S. (2023). Greater Gastrocnemius Muscle Hypertrophy After Partial Range of Motion Training Performed at Long Muscle Lengths. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 37(9), 1746–1753. 
  4. Pedrosa, G. F., Simões, M. G., Figueiredo, M. O. C., Lacerda, L. T., Schoenfeld, B. J., Lima, F. V., Chagas, M. H., & Diniz, R. C. R. (2023). Training in the Initial Range of Motion Promotes Greater Muscle Adaptations Than at Final in the Arm Curl. Sports (Basel, Switzerland), 11(2), 39.
  5. Maeo, S., Huang, M., Wu, Y., Sakurai, H., Kusagawa, Y., Sugiyama, T., Kanehisa, H., & Isaka, T. (2021). Greater Hamstrings Muscle Hypertrophy but Similar Damage Protection after Training at Long versus Short Muscle Lengths. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 53(4), 825–837. 
  6. Nunes, J. P., Jacinto, J. L., Ribeiro, A. S., Mayhew, J. L., Nakamura, M., Capel, D. M. G., Santos, L. R., Santos, L., Cyrino, E. S., & Aguiar, A. F. (2020). Placing Greater Torque at Shorter or Longer Muscle Lengths? Effects of Cable vs. Barbell Preacher Curl Training on Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy in Young Adults. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(16), 5859. 
  7. Stasinaki, A.-N.; Zaras, N.; Methenitis, S.; Tsitkanou, S.; Krase, A.; Kavvoura, A.; Terzis, G. Triceps Brachii Muscle Strength and Architectural Adaptations with Resistance Training Exercises at Short or Long Fascicle Length. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2018, 3, 28. 
  8. Warneke, K., Brinkmann, A., Hillebrecht, M., & Schiemann, S. (2022). Influence of Long-Lasting Static Stretching on Maximal Strength, Muscle Thickness and Flexibility. Frontiers in physiology, 13, 878955. 
  9. Graves, J. E., Pollock, M. L., Jones, A. E., Colvin, A. B., & Leggett, S. H. (1989). Specificity of limited range of motion variable resistance training. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 21(1), 84–89. 
  10. Bazyler, C. D., Sato, K., Wassinger, C. A., Lamont, H. S., & Stone, M. H. (2014). The efficacy of incorporating partial squats in maximal strength training. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 28(11), 3024–3032. 

Featured Image: Max kegfire / Shutterstock


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