Small Groups Ministry
The small group ministry, fueled by the same zeal that ignited Jesus’ ministry with His twelve (12) disciples, carries a sacred mission. Led by Rev. David Loganathan, this ministry blazes with an unwavering passion.
Let’s investigate into the essence of their purpose:
• Spiritual Growth: Like the early church described in Acts 2, these small groups prioritize spiritual growth.
• Evangelism and Missions: The heartbeat of their mission. These small groups are notinward-looking; they reach out to the spiritually lost.
• Mutual Care: Within these groups, members minister to one another. They extend compassion, encouragement, and practical support.
• Fellowship: The bonds forged in these small groups go beyond mere circles.
• Worship: Worship is not confined to grand sanctuaries; it thrives in these intimate gatherings.
Why is this a small group ministry?
Certainly! Let’s dig into the transformative power of a small-group-on-mission approach within your church. Much like the cells in our bodies contribute to overall health, small groups play a vital role in determining the vitality of a congregation. When these small groups thrive and align around a shared mission, they become conduits for infusing God’s purposes into every aspect of church life.
Here are key points to consider:
Cell Health and Church Health: Just as healthy cells contribute to a healthy body, the health of your church is directly linked to the health of its small groups.
Small groups serve as the building blocks, impacting individual hearts, group dynamics, and overall ministry effectiveness.
Balancing Purposes: Acts 2 provides a blueprint for early church small groups:
• Spiritual growth
• Mutual care and ministry
• Fellowship
• Worship
• Evangelism
A balanced approach ensures that small groups contribute holistically to the church’s mission.
Mobilizing for the Great Commission: Jesus Himself began His ministry by forming a small group the twelve disciples.
Assembling small groups for the Great Commission: Acknowledges our identity as God’s family working together (1 Corinthians 3:9). Recognize our interdependence, no one possesses all the necessary gifts and talents. Multiplies effectiveness through teamwork (Ecclesiastes 4:9).
Global, Local, and Personal Missions:
• Small groups can impact the world—from their front doors to distant horizons.
• Define opportunities for evangelism and missions at global, local, and personal levels.
• Equip groups to meet specific needs and share the love of Christ.
The impact, fueled by the Holy Spirit, echoes the transformative ministry of Jesus and extends
far beyond what we can imagine.