Privacy Policy
Return and Refund Policy

Refund Policy:

The vendor shall be responsible for communicating its refund policy to the customers and to issue a refund as per refund policy and applicable laws. shall not be hold responsible for any of your refund, in any case, as does not set a refund on behalf of vendor. The claims shall be made only to the vendor. All issues related to refund shall always be between the Customer and the Vendor. We ( are not liable for any refund-related claims in connection with the Vendor and the Vendor hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Website in connection therewith. However, in a determination to accomplish customer satisfaction, if there is an issue, you can contact us for a refund or any other issues through our email at:

Return Policy:

Like refund policy, shall not be responsible for return of any products or service. We shall not be held liable for any of the customer`s claim regarding our return policy. All the claims shall be made to the vendor and vendor shall be responsible for customer`s claim.

Our Refund in Some Circumstance:

If you found any issue we will be happy on your contact with our customer support staff. In some of special circumstance also encourage and offer refund to the customers, we refund only; a) If some duplicate payment was made due to technical glitch, or any other error; b) If we make a refund as per policy of our refund policy which we update from time to time. Refund shall only be made if our policy agrees on such type of refund; c) If we consider the refund is necessary as per decision of our customer support staff but it shall be our sole discretion. This refund shall only be made if our customer service support staff approves your request for refund. It is not binding on us to refund nor can customer force us to do so.

Refunded Payment:

If our customer support staff approves your refund request, your payment shall be refund in original payment method within our prescribed refund cycle days. We will refund your payment after the deduction of our service fee or taxes involved, for the process of refund.

Refund Cycle:

If our staff confirmed your refund, your refund shall be made within 5-15 business days, from the date of confirmation of your refund. It is your responsibility to confirm your accounts for any refund. In case of failure to provide the accounts details for refund, if any loss caused to you, we SubmergeShop, shall not be responsible for that loss or damage.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this Return and Refund Policy or to resolve Complaint regarding our policies or to receive any further information regarding these policies, please contact us at: