Before meeting Dr. Park, I had never tried acupuncture. As a florist, I experienced severe pain and swelling in my right hand, which disappeared after just one session with Dr. Park. She also treated my injured shoulder and the numbness in my right leg from long drives. Her acupuncture treatments have been truly transformative, and I highly recommend her to everyone.

Lydia Paul

I had severe rheumatoid arthritis in my right hand—it was swollen, hot, and so painful that I couldn't even grip a cup. At night, my feet felt like they were on fire, making it impossible to sleep. I traveled to Orlando for acupuncture, but it didn't help. Then I met Dr. Park. After her acupuncture treatments, the first thing I noticed was that I could sleep well again—the burning sensation in my feet disappeared, and I finally got a full night's rest. The pain in my fingers also vanished, allowing me to hold things and go about my daily life without issues. I'm truly grateful to Dr. Park for the remarkable improvement in my condition.

Ahn Hopkins