What Services We Provided


This traditional Chinese medical practice involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of qi (vital energy) and promote healing.



Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Meridian message, micro-needling + Acupuncture on the face and the body to detox, lift the facial muscle and brighten skin tone.

Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine

Prescribe individualized herbal formulas based on your client’s unique symptoms and constitution, drawing from the extensive Chinese herbal pharmacopeia.



Korean Hand Acupuncture Therapy

KHA is considered a hand microsystem acupuncture in which pain shown in the hands corresponds to the painful part of the body.

Benefits of KHT

  • Potent rapid results.
  • Pain reduction in seconds.
  • Easily integrated with traditional body acupuncture.
  • Safe to use as there are no vital structures or organs in the region of the Treatment points that may be damaged inadvertently.

Injection Therapy

A procedure in which drugs, vitamins, herbal extracts, or other fluids are injected into the body at an acupuncture point using a syringe and needle.



Cupping Therapy

This technique uses suction cups applied to the skin to improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension.

Tui Na

Traditional Chinese Therapeutic Message



Gua Sha

This is a technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool to improve circulation and reduce inflammation.


This involves burning the herb moxa (Artemisia vulgaris) near the skin or on acupuncture points to warm and stimulate the body.
