Intergroup of A.A.

The Mid-Mississippi Intergroup meets on the first Thursday of every month at 650 E. South Street (where Central Group meets) at 6:30pm. All are welcome! We would like to see all local groups represented, as well as any Zone 4 groups that would like to participate; bring it up in your group conscience meetings! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to call Randy or myself at the numbers listed below.

About Us
About A.A.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self supporting through our own contributions. A. A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Jackson Central Office
Volunteer Work
Your Central Office is the "front line of A.A." in our community. We get calls from the general public and from schools, hospitals and other institutions needing information about Alcoholics Anonymous. We provide services such as speakers and literature to these institutions though our various intergroup committees. We take many calls from alcoholics needing help, and we carry the message to them in many ways. Sometimes we refer them to the closest A.A. group, and occasionally we provide them with rides to meetings. We always try to share our own experiences with them in the hope of triggering the identification process that leads to recovery. Many members contact us about meeting schedules for groups all over Mississippi and beyond.
Read MoreOur Special Workers
A.A.'s Eighth Tradition states, "...our service centers may employ special workers." Our Manager and Assistant are accountable to the Steering Committee, whose Trustees are accountable to the Representatives, who are accountable to their respective home groups. The Manager is responsible for the daily operation and fiscal responsibility of the Central Office. Matters that pertain to the groups or members of A.A. in general are brought to the Representatives for a vote. For example, the groups, by the vote of their elected representatives, decided many years ago that the office should sell medallions and non-A.A. literature in addition to a complete catalogue of literature from A.A. World Services and The Grapevine, including foreign-language publications.
Read MoreFuture Of Central Office
In the future, we hope to continue and enhance these services that reflect the finest in A.A. tradition. The Mid Mississippi Intergroup will continually strive to improve its vital outreach with our standing committees. Your A.A. Central Office will continue to employ competent, skilled, dedicated special workers with an equally committed corps of A.A. volunteers. The times require responsible, able workers who can understand financial analyses, publish a newsletter, have working knowledge of the latest computer technologies, and know our A.A. community intimately. Yet, we never want to lose sight of our most fundamental principle: being responsible to the alcoholic who still suffers and wants help. We are here to serve.
Read MoreEvents
We publish an events list for the wider local area on a regular basis. The list is available in the Sobriety Gazette, by email, or on this website. If you would like to be on the email distribution list for this, as well as current intergroup information, please let us know. If your group would like to add an event to this list, please contact us with the details, or send a flyer.

Schedule Inclusion
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many groups started hosting online meetings using Zoom. All current groups have resumed in-person meetings, but many continute to host online meetings in addition to their in-person meetings. Please refer to this page for access information and updates to local online meeting schedules. For additional online options and other resources such as speaker tapes and more, please go to “aa-intergroup.org”.
- Its Members Ought To Be Men And Women Who Suffer From Alcoholism
- Its Meetings Should Be Open To All Alcoholics
- As A Group, It Should Have No Other Affiliation

Need Any Question
Sobriety Gazette
The Sobriety Gazette is a publication of Mid-Miss Intergroup. The purpose is to improve communication between local A.A. groups, inform and encourage participation in service opportunities and events that promote sobriety. Opinions expressed do not necessarily indicate endorsement by the Central Office or Acoholics Anonymous as a whole.

We No Longer
Require Curbside Pickup
Come on in! If door is locked, PLEASE knock or ring doorbell, we will let you in.
Office Is Open
Tuesday And Friday
12:00 PM To 6:00 PM
Browse the literature racks, chat with volunteers and staff. You’re always welcome; it’s your Central Office!
call any day or time for special needs not served by our regular hours

(Answered 24/7)
What Is Intergroup?
Intergroup is a service office dedicated to supporting its members in helping newcomers who are seeking Alcoholics Anonymous.
How is it operated?
A small staff of special workers (central-office special-workers)* which includes the Office Manager and an Assistant Manager that manage all daily office activities. There is a 7-member elected board. Each person is a member of Alcholics Anonymous. (Tradition 8) VOLUNTEERS ARE WELCOME.
Who pays for it?
AA group and individual member contributions, the sale of publications from AA World Services, Inc. and the AA Grapevine, sobriety chips, and various other assorted recovery-related materials (i.e., books and pamphlets).
Does my AA Group have a voice in it's affairs?
Yes! Each AA Group should have an Intergroup Representative. In addition to participating in the affairs of Intergroup, those representatives job is to inform their home group about Intergroup and the local service opportunities available.
We have our own meeting place, why do we need Intergroup's help?
Intergroup phone volunteers help newcomers find your meeting location. Your Intergroup phone lines are the permanent link to connect members to AA groups in our zone (Zone 4), in addition to all of Mississippi.
How can my group be of service?
You can start by seeing that your group has a voice (representative) at the monthly Intergroup meeting. Additionally, your group members can contribute their time for the 12th Step opportunities (central-office) ensuring that the AA message reaches the still-suffering alcholic.
What services does your AA Intergroup provide?
- Answer phones 24 hours a day
- Information & meeting location calls
- AA literature – English and Spanish
- AA Grapevine Publications
- Manage Intergroup finances
- Provide financial information to members
- Make 12-Step calls
- Special events
- Meeting directories
- Cooperation with outside agencies
- Maintain the Intergroup website
- Carry meetings to treatment facilities and prison
Intergroup Financial Reports
Come Visit
Please drop by and see us at the Central Office.
Browse the literature racks, chat with volunteers and staff. You’re always welcome; it’s your Central Office!